Keeping Secrets

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Jesse Pov:

"What is it?" He asked his lapis blue eyes filled with concern.

"Never mind its nothing." I said.

I turned to Petra who was still sipping her coffee.

"See ya later Petra." I said.

"See you." Petra said waving goodbye.

I started walking towards the exit putting both hands in front of me.

The cool breeze hit me making my hair sway. I looked to Lukas who was already untying our horses.

He handed me the reign of the horse I was riding before. I got up on the horse stroking its soft white fur. 

I watched Lukas get on his horse which neighed flinging its two front legs in the air almost making him fall off.

The horse put his legs down and Lukas looked to me.

"Ready?" He asked me. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said.

Then we both rode off into the night again.

I looked at my purple stained arm which had now spread to my wrist. 

I nearly panicked again, but somehow remained calm.

"Hey you okay?" I heard Lukas say. "I should've seen that coming," I thought to myself.

"Ya," I said. He looked at me suspiciously making me extremely nervous. "Look...its just with everything...the bringing me back thing its just a lot to take in still." I said getting off the horse, now that we were at the stables.

"I...I know its probably overwhelming, but it'll take time," he said softly his eyes gazing into mine.

"If only you knew," I thought. 

"Well I probably should get going now." I said leading the horse inside the stable.

"O-Oh well okay." He said. He also lead his horse into the stable.

We both walked out. I had my hands behind my back.

"I could walk you home." Lukas offered.

I thought for a second before saying, "I got it Lukas thanks though." I said.

"Oh," he said looking a little disappointed.

"Hey tell ya what I'll come over tomorrow." I said making him smile.

"Alright Jesse see you then." He said before walking into his cottage.

"Phew that was a close one." I thought to myself. I started my walk home which wasn't far.

It also gave me time to think without having to worry about much.


I stared at the ceiling and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. 

"Eureka! I got it!" I thought to myself. I jumped up from my bed and grabbed a porcelain cup. I set it on the table and grabbed the jug of milk and poured it in the flower designed cup.

I then took the cup and put it in the microwave for fifteen seconds. As I was waiting I put the jug of milk back in the fridge. 


I opened the microwave and took out the cup of warm milk and gulped it down. The warm milk was rich and smooth as it went down my throat.

I put the cup down and plopped down on my bed and drifted to a deep sleep.


I saw Reuben in the distance, the grass swaying side to side."Reuben!" I shouted pure happiness in my voice. He didn't budge not even a muscle. "Reuben.." I said worriedly. 

He still didn't move scaring me a little bit. I walked towards him and suddenly everything changed and instead of Reuben I saw Lukas.

I scrambled backwards, startled at the sudden change.

"Why did you do this to us?" He said. "What.." I said, confused. Then Axel, Olivia, Reuben, and Petra appeared next to him.

"Why did you do this to us." Olivia said repeating what Lukas said. "Was it really worth it. Now look at us." Axel said. 

I became flustered. 

"What...I don't..understand"  I said and then I started to fade away falling into the void.

"Help!!" I screamed, but no one came nor answered.


I jolted up. Sweat was running down my face and I noticed my sheets were filled with the moisture.

I sighed, "It was just a dream...just a dream." I reassured myself. There was no way I could fall back asleep now. I looked at my clock.

It was only 3:00 am. "Great." I muttered sarcastically. I started fiddling with my hands thinking over my dream. "What did it mean?" I questioned myself.

I started pacing around the room. The wood creaking underneath my feet. The only visible light was from the moon.

"Was it about my wither sickness?" I thought to myself. I was so confused I didn't know what they were talking about, but what I do know is that something isn't right.


-gasps- :O

You have another choice hehe!

Choice A: Confide in someone

Choice B: Keep it a secret

This is the wither sickness and the dream/nightmare part!

Choose wisely....😏

Wither Sickness Book 2: Past CallsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon