Into The Storm

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Lukas Pov:

The gray stallion kept up a steady pace so far even with the wither storm raging behind us. I tightened my grip on Jesse's hand, but not too tight and yanked the cocoa-colored leather reigns making it move a little faster.

2 hours later...

I felt Jesse's hand twitched and I glanced at her and noticed her eyes were wide and her eyes were also cloudy. She blinked and her coffee-colored eyes were no longer foggy.

She gave me a faint smile, her teeth were as white as snow. I returned the smile and looked in front of me. To see Soren's old fortress, which was now even more damaged than we last saw it.

Rubble and debris were spread out over the rocks. The small pond that saved Jesse's life was still there. If that lake wouldn't have been there...I shook my head. We neared the entrance of Soren's fortress and swung my leg over the leather saddle of the horse.

Using the stirrup to help me. Jesse looked a little dazed, but I brushed it off and grabbed her by the waist helping her get down.

She winced when her feet touched the ground and snapped out of her daze.

"You ready for this!" I shouted over the wither storm. "Ya!" She shouted over the storm.

"Run on in." I pointed to the middle of the fortress where few enderman were.

She nodded before jogging over to where I had pointed. "Okay boy, be safe." I said, hugging the horse's neck one last time. I unlatched its saddle and it sprinted to the forest out into the wild forest.

I sighed, as the withers tom advanced getting closer and closer each second.

I sprinted over to Jesse who appeared to dazed again. I put my hands on her shoulders and shook her, hard. She snapped out of her daze and muttered something.

Her expression turned to flustered. "There isn't enough Enderman and even if there was we are not 100% sure that there even is a command block in there." She pointed towards the approaching storm.

"Jesse, but if there is this is our best shot." I calmly, said.

She didn't reply instead looked at the ground before looking back up at me. "Look if we don't make it out alive I-" I started, but got when the tractor shone on Jesse making her rise in the air.

She screamed and I grabbed unto her leg pulling her down. Another tractor beam shone, but this time on me and I rose into the air. I tightened my grip on Jesse's foot I didn't want to lose her, I couldn't afford to lose her, again.

As we rose in the air my foot was caught and I looked down to see the Petra and the others. Petra had a good grip on my foot while the others pulled her back.

I felt us getting pulled out of the tractor beams clutches. In a matter of seconds we flopped down to the ground. I quickly got up and helped Jesse up.

I looked at the others, Sylvia, Petra, Olivia, Axel, and Ivor. "Alright, we need to get the enderman to attack the wither!" I shouted.

Everybody nodded and ran off into separate directions.

Jesse Pov:

I saw a nearby enderman and ran towards looking in its purple eyes. It growled and a tractor beam caught it and it teleported away slowly breaking blocks off the wither storm.

I smiled before moving on to the next one pushing it to the side.

It teleported right in front of me its eyes showing pure rage. I looked it right in its glowing magenta eyes and it snarled at me before the wither storm captured it in its tractor beam.

I looked around for any more enderman, but I guessed the others had the rest of them covered. I watched as Olivia snatched a stone block away from one of the enderman.

The enderman screeched and Olivia ran and ran. I ran after her and I felt my knees start to buckle. "No, not now any time, but now." I thought to myself.

Even though my legs were buckling I somehow managed to run closer to the enderman that was chasing after Olivia. As I neared the enderman I pushed it, but as it stumbled backwards into the purple tractor beams its tall leg hit me in the shin.

I  grunted and rest my hands on my knees as I breathed in and out.

I felt extremally exhausted even though I had just slept for who knows how long, but I shook off the feeling and ran towards the middle of the fortress where the others were already heading.

I watched as Axel dodged a tractor beam, by skidding to the side. Sylvia leaped forward and rolled as she dodged a tractor beam that had shone on her a second too late.

We all met in the middle and I said, "You know the drill empty your pockets." I emptied mine. "I have cobblestone and wood from ages ago," I quickly said. Lukas was next to empty his pockets revealing polished granite and andesite. "I have granite and andesite from rebuilding the town," He explained, his eyes trailing to everybody

"I have some rails," Petra said. "I have some red stone blocks!" Olivia said taking out red stone blocks. "And I have a minecart and some TNT!" Axel said, which caught me by surprise that he actually had a minecart.

Suddenly we where interrupted by a tractor beam. "Get out of the way!" I shouted, my voice cracking. I took a few steps back and everyone dodged the beams. I looked up at the wither storm and saw that there was a big enough hole to get through.

"Just build a ramp!" Lukas stated, catching on as well. That's what we did we built a ramp as quickly as possible while Ivor distracted the wither storm by taunting it.

After 5 minutes I set down the final rails. "Hop in Jesse." Olivia said, gesturing to the mine-cart. I hoped in the minecart from the front. "I believe in you Jesse." Olivia said, before igniting the TNT that Axel had.

She quickly jumped off the ramp and in a couple of seconds the TNT blew up and the force of the TNT sent me flying into the air and dislodging me from the mine-cart and I flew into the heart of the wither storm, once again.


We are very close to the end of the story, but the question is will Jesse make it out alive?

How did the others get to the fortress so fast?

Any theories or thoughts?

Anyways, stay tuned for the next one and I will see you all soon byeeeee!!

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