11 - "four eyes."

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The lights had been dimmed since the power outage, most likely to lower power consumption; which explained why no one noticed him lurking in the shadows in the far corner of the room, the darkness surrounding him perfectly as he listened closely.

"There will, most definitely, be a use for the gun Glenn stole from Toby. Go get it, Kook."

"Yeah, but who'll be holding it?"

Yoongi's jaw visibly clicked at Namjoon's  input. 'He probably didn't think of that...' I thought to myself before heading to my bunk in the other room, where the gun was stored.

As I walked into the room I felt a breeze of wind go past me, but instantly assumed it was just because of the tin fan that was turned on by Jimin, rotating in the corner.

I kneeled down and lifted the mattress a little, where the gun was meant to be, lying on top of the springs. But was met with just the metal springs...

I looked a little more under the mattress before giving up, letting it fall onto the springs before going to look around the bed.

As I was going to the other side, I was surprised when a hand clasped around my mouth; the click of the gun sounding in my ear.

An unintended manly whimper left my mouth as the hand gripped harder, my hands grasping his wrists roughly. The man breathed heavily in my ear before he spoke gravelly, his tone somewhat familiar...

"Don't fight." He ordered, which was understandable considering I was about to attempt to throw him over my shoulder, which would send him to the ground. But I realized this man had arms twice the size of mine, his grip steady as he turned my body harshly toward the door, walking us out. Glenn was the first to react.

"Oh, god. Guys?!"

Everyone turned to Glenn before looking to me and the stranger, everyone going straight to panic mode as the man neared them with me, the one held at gun point, some of them even grabbing knives.

"Oh fuck!"

"Who the hell are you?!"


"Let him go!"

To be more specific Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok grabbed the knives and homemade shivs, each of them more calm then panicked as Hoseok went to the door, locking it securely.

"What do you want? We'll give you anything, anything at all, just let him go and put down the gun." Jimin tried convincing the masked man.

Down in the lower levels if this situation were to ever occur, the assumption was because somebody wanted something.

"I don't want anything."

"Then what the hell are you doing?!" Hoseok yelled in a profoundly rough way, different from what he usually sounds like which was nerve wracking. 'This dude is seriously is a motherfucking mystery, huh?'

The fact that I was remaining this calm in a situation like this made me more scared of myself than the literal predicament I was in.

The only thing really bothering me at the moment was the fact the man had a death grip on my throat, the air becoming difficult to breathe as he began to talk.

"I was sent by the Overseer."

"Oh, who? Luke, was it?""

Yoongi's response coming off sarcastically cold as he went to Namjoon's side.

"Yes, the Overseer. I was sent to retrieve Jungkook, and my gun. I'm not here to hurt anyone."


I croaked through his grip, Glenn looking closer from behind Jin, the man shifting on his feet, ignoring me.

"Move away from the door."

Toby looked to Hoseok, ordering him, who was currently guarding the exit, a blade clutched in between his fingers accompanied by a fierce expression.

"Fuck you."

Toby shifted once again, tensing momentarily, I assume Hobi is getting on Tobys nerves, nobody usually gets on Toby's nerves; from what I remember at least.

"Get out of the fucking way!"

"Get fucked, four eyes!"

Everyone visibly tensed this time, including myself. 'Oh, Hobi, you didn't just say what I think you just said...' I thought to myself, waiting for Toby's response.

How'd Hoseok even find out about that? Toby wear's glasses, but not regularly. The only time he wear's them is when he's at his quarters where he leaves them. I know this because I remember visiting him all the time when I was younger; where he'd always wear his glasses in his place, but never out of it.

Toby suddenly pushed me to the side and in a moments notice raised his gun toward Hoseok; everything seemed to go in slow motion from there.

I watched as the majority guys lunged toward Toby, tackling him to the ground and taking the gun away from him. Luckily before a shot could be fired.

In the end, you'd think Toby would of been left unconscious; instead he managed to escape through the door, running down the corridor away from the violent boys.

No one bothered following him and shut the door instead with a slam when a sudden group of Guardsmen came rushing toward them. They sounded and felt as if they were ramming themselves into the door, trying their hardest to get in.

"God dammit."

"Are you kidding me?"

Namjoon and Jimin held the door long enough for someone to push the couch back in front of the door; the two sitting down on it to add more weight along with Hobi and I.

Yoongi exited the kitchen area where he'd been standing the entire time, speaking, more like demanding us.

"When they give up; we get this fucking thing started..."

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