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Baxe/my p.o.v.

I have to get the Rights so we can do the ask and dare us thing...ugh if my counterparts don't get the rest of our teams then it wont work...if they aren't successful they'll pay... Oops...sorry... Heh heh... I'm at the Rights' house right now...and they're usually here... "Blake! Breaker! Bash! Come answer the door or I'll break it down myself!" I yell while banging on the door. Then Blake opens the door. "Who are you and what do you want?" Blake asks. "Also how do you know our names!?" I smirk at how shocked he looks. It's pretty funny actually. "My name is Baxe...and I'm here to kidnap you!" I say and teleport them to the place we will be doing our dares and answering questions. I get a rope and tie them up. "Hey! What the heck!? Let us go!" Bash yells. All three of them start struggling. And as if on cue, Blink came with the Puffs and tied them up. "BLINK!?!?" "BAXE!?!?" the Rights and Puffs yell at the same time. Me and Blink smirk. "Hey girls/boys. How ya doing?" we say in unison. Both teams look terrified. I mean, I can't blame them... A member of their own team helped kidnap them. "What do you mean 'how you doing'!? We just got kidnapped by whoever that is!" the girls yell at me. "Jees chill. All we're doing now is waiting for Buck and Batter to get the Punks and Ruffs." I say like nothing matters. Both teams' eyes widen.

We then see Buck and Batter arrive with the rest. My three counterparts look at me for directions on what to do. "Untie them, their powers can't help them escape. Also Batter...don't try ANYTHING." I say and glare at Batter. She glares right back at me before untying the Ruffs. "What are you guys doing and who are you!?" the four teams yell in unison. I signal my cp's to back up. I then walk over to the four groups. "We are making you guys answer questions and do dares! Also Punks don't try to plan anything with Batter...UNDERSTOOD?" I say in a happy tone then the end with a demonic voice while I glare at them and my eyes turn pitch black. They get really scared and nod their heads really fast. "Also... I'm Baxe. This is Buck, this is Blink and this is Batter! Buck is a Ruff, Blink is a Right, Batter is a Punk, and I'm a Puff! should sit." I tell everyone. No one listens. So...I have a surprise... I suddenly have an axe in my hand. "Sit." I say while readying my axe. Everyone listens and sits down. I put the axe away.

"So...we will all wait here until people ask us questions and give us dares! By everyone! Please ask or dare something because if not...this would be a waste of time... Well anyways...ASK AND DARE US!!!!"

Ask and Dare the PPG, RRB, PPNKG, and RRTB (and of course my oc and cp's)Where stories live. Discover now