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"And everything before you was dull, empty, mediocre. . . . .it was nothing."

Jungkook was fully unaware of his surroundings, buried into his book. Ignored all the sounds, people, just reality as a whole.

He couldn't hear the ding of the subway rail that signaled it was ready for the busy humans to enter. He could only hear that mysterious voice all unlucky victims encounter when they silently read to themselves.

"Yo, what are you reading?"

A single voice had finally cut away the fictional world Jungkook had fallen under. It was a young man. Looking agitated, Jungkook gave a rather rude response.

"If it wasn't obvious enough to you, i'd be delighted to explain that I am reading a book."

Jungkook's arrogant comeback came from habit due to his loathe of society itself. The man was left speechless for the moment being. He stared at Jungkook with a glare of confusion. It was not everyday you came across a surprisingly arrogant boy.

The book in his hand was quite large causing him to glance to the cover. "50 Shades of Grey?" The man snickered which had provoked Jungkook to slam the book shut and set it in his backpack. "It's none of your business, can't you take a hint?"

That was all that needed to be said for everything to fall exactly into place. "The name's Taehyung." The man smirked. Jungkook was hesitant causing him to shift his weight nervously. He didn't want to give an answer.

Names were an excuse so people didn't have to leave. An excuse to stay. They worked some magic onto attaching themselves into you.

Taehyung leaned in lifting jungkooks chin. "Won't you tell me your name?" He pouted. Jungkook did nothing to stop this.

He was powerless. He wanted to cry but he knew he couldn't even let the tears well up in his eyes.


He shouted for the whole train station to hear. The mass majority had paused their daily activities to eye the two.

On perfect timing, Jungkook found himself sprinting to the near coming train.

Jungkook released a slight huff as his arms shot forward, he had come to a dead halt. But, he wasn't carrying his own weight, he was restrained.

The boy had thought his bag was caught on a hook? But, I'm not on the train yet. Jungkook's Head jerked backwards, to get a view of what the hell was pulling on his backpack.

Taehyung? He didn't look like he had half the strength to hold Jungkook's weight that way. "JK?" The older said, staring down at Jungkook's leather backpack tag. The other side had Jeon, "Jeon....Jeon JK, JK Jeon?"

"This dumbass."

The mans glare had shot towards the younger. A mischievous smirk began to smear on his face. Taehyung let go.

This is the end. The bunny thought.

Authors note -


Alright, so this story is a collaboration

We don't have an assigned writing time, we just continue on the story when we feel like it

This also means the writing style might change quite a bit but I hope it isn't too noticeable

We also have more chapters in line so we will post more soon and I hope you enjoy it

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