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Thank you love_fi for your questions!

Well,  how long do you want this chapter to be?  Because I have so many fears.  I am scared of height,  bugs,  animals, being in the dark,  let's just say I am scared of everything.

Do you like school?  If not how much do you hate it  range it on a scale of 1-10
Hahaha,  is this even a question?  I absolutely do not like school,  maybe I will consider liking it if I don't have to wake up so early in the morning.  What can I say,  your girl needs her beauty sleep!  On a scale of 1-10 I hate school about a 6,  I mean I learn something sometimes and I have friends also,  I have nothing to do at home lmao.

Are you afraid of cockroaches or rats? If so,  which one more?
Yes!  I am afraid of everything.  I am definitely more afraid of a rat.

Do you prefer reading books or reading quotes mostly?
I like reading short texts,  that is why I actually like poetry more than other genres,  but I prefer quotes to books.

What is your favorite quote?
"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” ― William Ernest Henley

What is your favorite song.
I done have one,  but currently I like listening to Chun-Li by Nikki minaj and be careful by cardi B. 

Thank you so much for reading
I am running out of questions
So please comment some questions
Down below! 

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