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How many siblings do you have?
I have two amazing older sisters. There are only three of us and we are all girls and I am the baby of the house.

By Skull_a_bones
Thought on LGBT+
Now, this isn't exactly something that I want to talk that much about, but I believe that everybody should be allowed to be whatever they want to be and be accepted. I feel like this world need to do some reevaluating on how they treat people because of their gender or sexual prefence, nobody have the right to judge anyone!

Favorite type of music.
I think I like r&b, rap, I don't exactly have a favorite genre, I just listen to whatever music I like.

Favorite author/singer/actor.
Favorite author, I don't have one. I am more of a writer that a reader. Favorite singer, I also do not have one, but right now, I am loving Cardi b. Favorite actor, I rarely watch movies, so I don't have one lol.

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