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Zelenas POV
Exhausted and relieved, were the only things Zelena felt as she watched her baby finally begin to drift into unconsciousness after almost an hour of trying to get her to sleep. After the child's fathers tragic passing, this was the first time she had been completely responsible for her and it was definitely taking time to adjust. Although the woman was finding it more of a challenge than she'd care to admit, every time she'd  look at the tiny expression of her baby, the discomfort would melt away and overpowering love would take its place.

The redhead then began to stand up and pace over to the crib when the loud thud of the front door filled the space. A split second later,the baby's eyes snapped open and she began to once again shriek at the top of her lungs. Zelena let out a huge sigh just as Regina entered the hallway. On a normal day, the former witch would have scolded her sister for being so thoughtless, but she was simply to drained to engage in any sort of conflict, so she again started to rock the baby in an attempt to sooth her. "Ugh you would not believe the day I've ha...oh I'm so sorry did I wake her?" The brunette apologises spotting the distressed child. "Don't worry about it, she's being very difficult today. I haven't been able to get her to stop crying" she replies. "Not to worry sis, I had exactly the same thing when I first adopted Henry. She just has to get used to everything and she'll come around. Here let me take her, and you go get some sleep" she offers clearly reading her sisters tired eyes. "Thank you" Zelena replied before wearily traipsing to her bedroom. She knew her daughter would be safe with Regina, so after a long day the Witch finally made her way into bed a drifted into dreamland. 

"Zelena, all you have to do, is kill her, and we can be together, we can have it all" a familiar voice sounded as she found herself back in the familiar setting of the Mayors office along with the familiar figure of Hades. "Don't you want everything she had? Don't you want her to suffer?" The low tone taunted like a devil on her shoulder. The brunette stared at her with tear filled, terrified eyes, a million different thoughts were rushing through her head as she held the weapon in her palm completely frozen. "Come on Zelena you can do it" he carried on, however the woman still persists unable to move. Suddenly his tone shifts and he grabs the crystal from the witch. "Well if you wont, I will!" He shouts pointing the weapon in Regina's direction, a bright sparking bolt of electricity shooting towards her. Hitting the woman's chest, causing her jolt backwards and hit the wall behind her. "REGINA!" I shout at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking as tears begin to fall.

Suddenly I find myself in the darkness of my bedroom sitting up right amongst the sheets, my forehead now damp with sweat. My whole body shakes as the tears continue to wash down my cheeks. A split second later the door flies open and the lights are turned on revealing a startled looking Regina in the door way. "What? What is it? Are you okay? What happened?" She rushed immediately running to sit by my side. "H..Hades..he...he killed you. I couldn't I felt like I was paralysed, I' Regina" I utter between frantic breaths. "Hey, relax, it was just a dream. I'm right here see, Hades is dead, I promise you" she soothes. bringing my head into her chest and rubbing my back. A part of me hated being this vulnerable in front of my sister, in front of anyone for that matter; however the feeling of her arms around me was a strange sensation I've never seemed to feel before. I felt safe, as if someone actually cared for me, also as it had become very clear how I felt about my sister, the possibility of loosing her, it made me question,was this what family felt like?

As Regina continued to help me, my sobs slowly became small sniffles as I lay gently on her lap. After almost an hour, the brunette shifted slightly, finally breaking the silence. "Thank you" she states simply, causing me to sit up to look at her. "For what?" I ask confused rubbing the last of the tears from my cheeks. "For saving my life. All I've been able to think about since that night is Robin, and while that it still painful, I've realised I never thanked you. You could've killed me, just like you were going to back when you first came to Storybrooke, but you didn't".
"Well I couldn't loose my mother and my sister now could I" she responded with a weak smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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