Part 4

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Gray POV

I ran up to Natsu. "What are you doing here?!" I hissed.

"Mirajane signed me up without telling me. Why are you here?" He asked.

"Lucy did the same. I swear I'm gonna beat her ass for making me wear this." I gestured to my outfit. He looked at me and fell to the floor in a nosebleed. The feeling of men being aroused because of me left me incredibly uncomfortable. Before I could punch him, an employee ran up to Natsu.

"Are you Mr. Dragneel?"

"Yeah." He replied.

"Perfect, come this way." I sat back down, and Happy flew over to me.

"Poor Natsu." He said. "He doesn't know what's coming."

"I do know what's coming. That just makes it worse."

"You don't know the half of it. After he 'got the job' I looked at some of their other ads, and it's bad. You guys are probably gonna have to kiss." I went white.

"S-Seriously?" I imagined kissing Natsu. It would be gross. But... then again, he might be good at it. It might feel really nice.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Good luck!" He has a smirk on his face.

"Are you enjoying this?!" I yelled. "Get back here!" But he was already gone.

"Mr. Dragneel, Ms. Fullbuster, we need you on set!" The director called. Too late to run.

I walked over, and my breath caught in my throat. Natsu was wearing a speedo. He looked incredible. I wish I wasn't on set. If this was real, I would be all over him. No! He's Natsu! He's not interested in women. Just fighting and eating. But his pecs! He's even  better than in my dream...

"Gray!" Natsu's voice severed me from my thoughts. "We gotta get this over with."

"Yeah, alright." I sighed.

"Perfect, let's get going!" The director said. He still gave me the creeps. "Okay, Natsu, get behind Gray, and wrap your arms around her tight." We both blushed, but he did as he was told. It was nice being in his arms. He was warm and strong. "Good, Good. Now, stare into each other's eyes." I looked up to see his onyx eyes staring deep into me. We used to be the same height, but now he was a lot taller, so I had to look up to see his eyes. He had a strange look on his face. It looked like... lust. Did he like me?

"Aaaannnnddd... perfect!" The director called. "Next!" We did several more photos, each more uncomfortable than the last.

"Final one for today!" The director called. "Since you're both rookies, and you seem to know each other personally, we'll just do a basic kiss shot." It's time. "I'm not cruel." It was plenty cruel for me.

"D-Do we have to?" Natsu stuttered. "Why?"

"Hey man, sex sells." I was blushing so hard that Natsu's hair would look white compared to my face.

I turned to Natsu. "This is just a job. Just like killing a Vulcan or something."

"Right!" He blushed. "I-I'm going in..." I nodded. He pressed his lips against in a "fake" kiss. I felt the heat of his face on me. I felt... strange. It was like I wanted him to keep going. To go further. But he didn't even use his tongue. I felt my lower lips get strangely wet. I wonder why?

"Alright! We're done for today!" The director yelled. I sprung back to my senses. I quickly pulled away from him with a huge blush on my face.

"Thank god, it's finally over." I exclaimed. "That was terrible."

"I didn't think it was that bad..." Natsu mumbled. At the time, luckily, I wasn't able to hear him.

"Here's your pay," the director said, handing us each a paycheck. "Your rooms have been provided for you for the night. Just go to the nearest hotel, tell them it's Natsu and Gray, and you'll get your room."

"Cool. Bye!" I said as I grabbed Natsu. I just wanted to get outta there as soon as possible. "Let's just get a bite to eat and go to the hotel." I threw on Lucy's sweatshirt and sweatpants. I was not wearing her lingerie.

She literally put lingerie in my bag.

I'm gonna kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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