Chapter ten

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          Second period... science... I had that one teacher... what was her name again? Oh, right, it was Ms Bruke! But... she told us to call her Jenny...I can tell we won't be learning much from her class...

          I walked through the doorway and as soon as I actually looked at her... I realized something... 'she's still dating so I bet she could give me some advice!' I ran to my seat with new found enthusiasm for her class. She walked to the front of the class and said, 

         "Okay, So like... I went to a party last night and my hangover still like sucks, or whatever so you can text for the rest of class and stuff... okay? Okay."

'Hey! This'll be easier than I thought!' I cautiously walked towards... Jenny... "Excuse me, but can I ask you something..?" She sighed and rolled her eyes "Yeah I guess  just make it quick!" "Well there's this guy I like an-" "Oh?! This is about a guy?!  Do tell more!" I was taken aback at how enthusiastic she was. "O-oh, well you see, I want to tell him. But I feel like he'll start treating me differently. So I wanted your opinion about something..?" 

   I was entirely ready for her to say something like 'This is inappropriate for a school setting!' or anything along those lines but instead, she was invested! "Hon-ey! You HAVE to tell me who we're talking about so I can give you good advice and stuff!" "uH! You- Uh don't...know him..?" "Well still, tell me a little about him!" "Oh! Uh.. well... he's smart, he's kinda cute he has a GREAT sense in fashion- but anyway, Is it a good idea to give him a secret admirer love letter..?"

    She squealed as soon as I mentioned it and basically yelled "When is that NOT a good idea?!" "Does that mean that's what I should do-" "Yes! What else would it mean!! You should spend class writing it! Go! Shoo! Get a piece of paper and stuff!" 

   So, I did. I grabbed a piece of paper and I grabbed a pink pen (because that's all Ms Bruke had) and I began writing! I found it somehow easier to write my feelings than I do to say, or even think them...


        Dear Baldi,

                      Hello, are you a 30 degree angle because you're acute-y. Ha. Get it? Well... anyway I just wanted to tell you that you're a really, really great person. And this might be weird or sudden or something but I think I might love you. Yes. Oof I'm sorry this is awkward but I'll just spend the rest of this paper explaining some of the reasons I like you,, so 

1. You're actually a good teacher. Do I need to explain any further? It's just a talent you have-

2. You're really smart. I assume considering you ARE a teacher and whatnot,,,

3. You're sorta attractive??? I-I don't know!

4. Fashion. Fashion. Sweater and jeans is about as Fashion as it gets.

Sorry if this is weird. Bye. 

    Sincerely, ????????? :0

     Yes. This. Is. Okay... I think it'll work! I just have to find a way to get it to him... I can't just give it to him... that'd ruin literally every anonymous thing I have going for me. I can't tell someone to give it to him... I don't have any friends.., I can't leave it on his desk because someone'll  see me... I know! Don't teachers have mailboxes in the school? I'll put it in there! But... when I was getting the tour Mr Baldi said that to access them you have to get through the principal...

     I dash towards Jenny, who was drinking a Diet Coke. I said "Jenny! I need a hall pass! I have a date with the principal!" She spat at her drink in surprise "Don't tell me he's the mystery man..." "What..? Ew! No! I mean I need to talk to him." "Sure" She muttered calmly gesturing to the wall where two hall passes were hung up. "Thank you!" I bellowed as I speed-walked through the halls. I slammed the door to his office wide open and yelled "I have a date with destiny!" "Y/n, what is the meaning of this?" He asked in a relatively surprised voice. "I- uh mean... could I use the P.O boxes? ...Uh... Ms Bruke wanted me to send a letter to Mr Baldi..." "Okay-" I dashed to P.O boxes before he could finish

    Little did I know at the time, but I interrupted a very important detail. The boxes were mislabeled, and I had put my note to Baldi in the principals mail box.

((Overly dramatic sitcom music plays))

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