Chapter Seventeen

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If I'm going to be entirely honest, I'm not sure what this time is for. Finishing homework or something? Well never mind, it doesn't really matter anyway. I grab a piece of paper from Mr. Baldi's desk. Careful not to make eye contact. At this point, I'm not sure if I could handle that. I place the paper on my desk and glance at Mr. Baldi. I smile sheepishly to myself and decide to draw him. It can't be that hard.
I glide my pencil along the paper and draw Mr. Baldi's outline. It's surprisingly accurate. I continue. I get into more details. His nose. His eyes. His smile. I make his sweater extra baggy. Before you know it, I've drawn a picture of him. I write his name, but it flows. So I write it again and again. Soon enough, all of the empty space is filled with his name. It looks very pretty.
I look at the picture from an outsiders eye. It looks like the musings of a madman. But I'm not mad. I'm in love. I look from my drawing back at Mr. Baldi. Honestly, if anything I think I underestimated his beauty. Nonetheless, it's great for my first attempt. I folded the artwork and put it in my pocket. I was about to get another sheet of paper, but the lunch bell rang.
Everyone in the classroom bolted out of the door like a stampede. I waited. So did Fredrick, but he wasn't who I was focused on. I waited for Mr. Baldi. He almost laughed when he saw us both waiting for him "Are you going to sit with me again?"I nodded enthusiastically as a reply. He smiled and nudged me to move forward.
I love the little things.
We all sat down at the lunch table and began eating our various meals. There was an awkward silence, but Mr. Baldi broke it by asking what we thought of the lesson today. I grinned and said "It was really cool! I'm happy that you showed me how to solve that problem!" I had to bite my tongue. I almost ended that by saying 'also I love you' that would've been worse than hell.
Fredrick rambled on about how entertaining the You Can Think Pads were. He didn't miss a beat. Honestly, it's like that kid is ready for anything you throw at him. A professional suck up. While he was talking I started to look at Mr. Baldi, Who was intently listening. I smiled and got a rush of adrenaline. He is my drug.
I must have been staring for longer than I thought because Mr. Baldi turned to look at me and he asked "Y/n? Is everything alright? You're hand are a little... twitchy." My hands were raised slightly above the table and they were twitching like crazy. Mr. Baldi gently put his hand over mine and pushed my hands back onto the table.
I love the little things.
I blush madly at the physical contact as I barely respond over a whisper "Oh... ye-Yeah, everything's okay. I was- I was just zoning out." I wish I could be like Fredrick. Be calm around Mr. Baldi, and never miss a beat. Mr. Baldi smiled as he turned his attention back to Fredrick. "You can keep going, l just got a little distracted." Fredrick smile falsely. "N-no. I forgot what I was saying anyway." He laughed a little at his own forgetfulness and started playing with his fork. Fredrick glanced at me, concerned.
I'm concerned too, buddy.
Mr. Baldi looks at me like he's about to ask me something but the bell rings indicating the the lunch hour is over. I shrug at Baldi with a playful "better luck next time." And I walk out the cafeteria doors. Fredrick is close behind and it seems like there's something urgent on his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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