Chapter 21 My Sky Gone Dark

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Nicole POV

"Mommy! Wake up!" I open my eyes and see Sky jumping on me. "Wake up!"

"Hey there. Whats up?" I ask sitting up.

"Daddy and Auntie MorMor are making your favorite!" she says. I nod and yawn. "No time for yawning! Lets go!" he grabs my hand and yanks me out of bed and to the living room.

"Okay! I'm here." I say laughing. "You little weirdo!" she smiles and skips to the kitchen. Oh my little Sky. Than she returns with Morgan and Attila.

"Hey, can we talk to you?" Morgan asks. I nod and stand up, following them to the kitchen. "Listen, we know your pissed and we wa........"

"Im not pissed, Morgan. Okay?" I say making them slightly smile. "I'm done with you two." 

"Nicole, please. Don't do this, for our daughter." Attila says.

"I won't but we're done. You and I are over. Morgan and I are over. We're not family nor friends. We're nothing." I say. I can see the tears in they're eyes but I don't care. Than I hear Sky.

"I have to be back soon. Mommy will get worried." she says.

"We will be. I promise." a male voice says. I gasp and run to the living room but she's gone.

"Skylar?" I look around but she's not here. "Skylar!" I run to her room but Anabella is gone too. " please!" I look out the window but everything's quiet.

"Nicole? Whats wrong?" Morgan asks walking in.

"The kids! They're gone!" I say. 

"What?!" she yells. We look through the whole house but they're aren't here. I run down to Attila and stop for a breath.

"Shit, where could they be?" he asks. I shake my head and look to Morgan who's pulling at her hair and mumbling something.

"What do you know?!" I yell. She looks up and frowns. "Morgan!"

"It was Brevlen! He's not dead and he came to me when you were still pregnant. He said he would take Sky away from you!" she says. I snap and try to get her but Attila holds me back.

"You bitch! You knew what he was gonna go! You helped him! I'm gonna kill you! I'll fucking kill you!"I yell.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do!" she says. My world has shattered. I'm nothing and the fact that Morgan knew makes it worse. I'll kill Brevlen but she's just as dead. I will kill her, sister or not.


That sucks.........I know.

Nikki :)

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