"Jenna, I'm in love with you."

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"Your grandma hates me more than she hates the mailman ringing her doorbell for packages when she's napping. Jenna, I love you but I don't like your grandma." Tyler washes the dishes as Jenna holds a phone in her hand as she stares at Tyler.

"You only met her once and it was before you graduated, Ty. She's one of the most amazing people I know. We're going to the dinner and that's final." Jenna storms out of the kitchen while Tyler sighs.

He knows better than to keep an argument when he knows Jenna is going to win it. Plus, he doesn't want to leave Jenna in a bad feeling between them. Dry Bones rushes in and sits on Tyler's feet.

"At least you love me."


Tyler and Jenna sat in the driveway for ten minutes in silence. Josh and Debby were outside their vehicle, making out as if this was the perfect moment. "Should we just pretend we forgot about this dinner?" Tyler finally asks as his hand rests on Jenna's thigh. Her eyes stared at his for a few seconds before opening the car door.

"It's up to you if you want to stay." She moves his hand away from her as she gets out and slams the door. Tyler raises his eyebrows as Josh makes eye contact with him. They both know he's in trouble.

Jenna walks up to the porch and knocks. "Grams, it's me!" She says before opening the door to her grandma sitting at the table with all the food already ready to eat. Debby and Josh followed behind Jenna as they sat at the table.

"Where's that lovely boy of yours, Jenna?" She asks as they started putting food on their plates. There was banana bread as an option and automatically Jenna remembered Tyler's hatred of bananas.

She couldn't believe that he didn't actually come to dinner with her. She was going to not see him for what seems like a lifetime in less than a week. Yet, he couldn't get through a dinner with her and Josh's grandma. This really showed his priorities.

"He had something to do tonight. I'm sorry he couldn't make it." She felt her voice cracking and Josh looks up at her, ready to comfort. Debby just ate her food with no mind in communication with the others.

Jenna got salad and some meatloaf as she picked at it with her fork. She couldn't bring herself to eat anything. "I'm going to the bathroom." She stands up quickly and rushes to the door of the bathroom and locks it once she's inside.

Jenna looks at herself in the mirror and can tell her eyeliner and mascara is smeared. This is a disaster. She fetches her phone out of her purse and her phone screen lights up with an old picture of little Ty.

"I can't believe I'm going to not see you for a couple of months

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"I can't believe I'm going to not see you for a couple of months." She whispers to herself, biting her lip to hold back a cry. In their relationship of three years, she's never been that far away from Tyler.

There was a knock on the bathroom door which made her jump. "Jenna, I made an excuse for me to take you home." Josh explains through the door before Jenna opened it.

They looked at each other before Josh pulls her into a hug as they swayed in the bathroom doorway. His heart broke a little as he could hear her crying into his shoulder as he held her so tightly. "Jen, you're my baby sister. I know Ty loves you more than anyone he's ever met and I'm sorry he didn't feel the need to be here."

Jenna peeked her head out of his shoulder and sighed. "I just wanted him to be here for me tonight. I'm always there when he needs me and when I just need him for one simple thing, he doesn't come? I'm not going to see you or him for a couple of months and he doesn't mind not spending as much as time as we can possibly get together before. I'm not trying to sound clingy but Joshua, I want him." Her tears roll down her cheeks as he puts his jacket around her shoulders and they walked out the door without saying goodbye.


Tyler was asleep with Dry Bones laying beside him as Jenna and Josh came inside. Jenna kept the door from slamming to not wake Tyler as Josh sat on the floor. "Will you be okay after I leave?" Josh observes Jenna while she's wiping off her makeup.

"I'll be okay. I have to handle my feelings, J. You go home to your Deb and little baby girl while I handle everything here. It's peachy." Josh felt sarcasm roll out of Jenna as she mentioned being peachy. Though he knew that he shouldn't go, Jenna told him to.

Josh gets up from the carpet and walks to the door, giving Jenna one last look before leaving the house. Jenna gets her makeup all off before Tyler starts waking up.

"Jenna?" His tired voice asks as he moves his gaze up to her in the recliner, snuggling with a blanket in silence while looking at him. "I'm sorry I-"

"You're not sorry, Tyler. If you were sorry, you would've came to the dinner even when you didn't want to be there. Ty, I do everything for you. I support you. I believe in you. I'm going to be away from you and you seem to not care a bit." The last sentence fully gets Tyler's attention as he sits up straight on the couch to show a face of bewilderment.

"I don't care? Jenna, we got a dog for you so you wouldn't feel alone. I threw you a graduation party. I make sure you always have your favorite food supplies on demand so you don't get upset. Jenna, I'm in love with you. I am sorry I didn't exceed your expectations but that doesn't mean you can go and say I don't care when I do everything for you as well." Tyler gets up from the couch and pulls the blanket off of her. "Get up." He orders as she stares at him. "Jenna, I said to get up."

"You didn't say please but okay." She stands up slowly as her footie pajamas are across from his slippers. They share a look of intensity before Tyler gets on one knee and pulls out a box from under the table beside them.

"I know you get upset with me and I know I do stupid things that embarrass you or make you feel like you don't matter but Jenna Elizabeth Black-Dun, I want you to me. I want you for the rest of your life and mine and even in the afterlife. I want to have arguments with you over what restaurant to eat. I want your judgement when I get Taco Bell every time we travel out of town no matter what the food choices are.
You're the person that made me realize that I actually couldn't settle for what I had in the moment. You taught love to me. You're the sunshine in my life that I don't want to ever lose. You also have the same humor as I do and you still pick on my feelings when you can see my pants do a rise up. Jenna if you can't see it by now, I love you. Will you marry me?"

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