Confusion and Mixed Emotions

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'Harry's POV'

"Harry let's go play football." Niall said when he came in from kitchen.

"Okay let's go!" I said already getting up, and putting my shoes on...I'm just feel happy and energetic today I don't really know the reason why.

"Wow mate! Is there something wrong with you?" Niall asked obviously surprised by my actions.

"Nope. Do you still want to go?"I said kind of regretting that I accepted his offer.

"Yes, Yeah of course!"he said shaking his head.

"So Niall! Still any girl on your mind?"I asked knowing that he's a guy that waited for his princess but he won't find it if he pushes every girl is trying to talk with him.

"Nope! I'm waiting..."

"For my princess!" I continued with an eye roll.

"What about you mate?"he said tapping my shoulder cautiously somehow.

"I don'y know..I mean yes I do...I mean no...ugh why is so hard to talk to you!" I said defensenly

"Maybe it's just hard for you to open up!"he said shrugging.

"Oh well!"I said.

"Look, Harry! No one is trying to offend you, we love you, and...wait what? Can you please repeat the last thing you said?"

"I said 'Oh well'?"

"Yeah! You never do that. You really creep me out, man!" he said. And ran I'm the middle of the football field.

"Hey Harry! Watch out!" Louis yelled, just before the football ball hit my head really hard, but not hard enough to make me fall.

"Thanks mate!" I said sarcastically

"I'm soo sorry! Please please don't get upset! I didn't meant to hit you!" he kept apollogising.

"It's alright! Just stop saying sorry!" I said rubbing the place he hit me.

"Wait! Is there something wrong with you, Harry? Did the ball hit you hard?" he asked me like I was a little kid.

"No I think it's something else, cause he acted so nicely earlier too. I don't know what's wrong with him." Niall said.

"I'm fine guys! Let's just continue the game!" I said just a little bit annoyed

"No we can't continue the game!"Niall said as I picked up the ball.

"Why? What's wrong?" Liam asked Niall as if he was a baby.

"I'm hungry!"

"Deja vu!" Zayn said out of nowhere.

"Let's just go inside and eat something!"I said as I waited for the others to agree.

*In the House*

"Hey, Haz! What do you want?"Louis asked me.

"Nothing" I said simply.

"Okay, then what's wrong? Your mind seems preoccupied with something...can you tell me what is it?"

"What are you? My psychologist?" I asked chuckling.

"Oh sorry! I didn't meant to sound like that" he said laughing really he always does. "Now seriously..what happened. I haven't seen you like this in a're happy, playful, like the Harry you used to be before."

"I don't get your point!"I shook my head.

"I'm preety sure you do! And by pretty sure I mean very very very very very sure! Come on tell me, you know you can tell me everything!"

"Taylor!"I blurted out, before even thinking about it.

"Taylor?!"he asked.

"I think so."I said.

"Wait wait wait! Who is Taylor? What do you mean?"

"Taylor...Taylor Swift! The country music singer, with amazingly blue eyes and that milky skin, with those..."

"I know will Taylor Swift is! Do I look like a foul?"he asked and just when I wanted to answer, he said "Don't answer to that!"

"Okay!" I said shrugging

"Soo you like this Taylor! Don't you?" he said wiggling his eye brows

"I'm not sure but I think so."I addmited "I want to get to know her really well and maybe to have I don't know a kind of relationship. She makes me want that somehow and I don't know why! I'm sooooo fucking confused right now!"

"Wow! This is a Harry I haven't seen before!"


Soo what do you think what name should I put at this chapter? Comment and the one I'll like I'll put it and the person who comment it, will get a dedication in the next chapter! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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