Chapter 1

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Calum's PoV
It's 2:45am and I'm sat on a bench in the middle of no where, cigarette in my hand.

I remember being with Luke and Ashton, we were looking for Michael and then I started talking to this girl. From then on I can't remember so how did I end up here?

I put out the cigarette and pull out my phone from my pocket to call one of the boys.

As I scroll through me contacts an unfamiliar name flashes by. Sophie? Who the fuck is Sophie? I ignore it for now since I need to call someone to pick me up from wherever the fuck I am.

'Hello' Ashton's voice comes through the phone.

'Hey' I answer as I look around for a sign to tell me where I am.

'Mate where are you, you were talking to Sophie and then you disappeared?' Ashton asks me concerned.

'Dude I don't remember fuck all last thing I remember is looking for Michael with you and Luke' I tell him honestly.

'Where are you I'll come pick you up?' Ashton asks me and I hear him pick up his keys.

'I'm not sure I'm just looking for a sign... oh found one I'm on providence street. Wait? Providence street where is that?'

'Calum how did you get in providence street it's like an hour away? did you drive there? Is Sophie with you?' Ashton asks me,  his voice full of concern.

'Even if she was I wouldn't know 'cause I don't know who she is or what she looks like' I tell him also starting to panic.

'How much have you had to drink? For fuck sake Calum you need to stop doing this' Ashton says his voice now full of more annoyance than concern.

'I know man I'll stop doing this I promise'

'That's what you always say' Ashton mumbles.

'But I mean it this time'

'Right well I'm on my way just stay where you are and ring my if anything happens' Ashton says as I hear the car engine start up.

'Ok. Thanks mate bye' The line cuts off.

Ashton's pissed at me. I really do want to change, but somehow I always end up getting drunk and lost. I'll be at every party I'll never miss a chance, but now I know it's time to change that because I can't keep relying on the boys to help me.

An hour later

A car pulls up in front of me and the window winds down.

'Get in' Ashton says to me bluntly.

I quickly get in the car 'thanks man I owe you own'

'One? Calum this is the 7th time this year I've had to pick you up because your drunk and lost. What happened to new year new you?' Ashton snaps at me.

'I really did try this year' I tell him.

'Well you didn't try hard enough'

Sophie's PoV

I came back from the bar with 2 drinks but Calum was gone? I looked around for him in the club but I couldn't find him. Was I really that boring that he just walked away? If he didn't want to talk to me he could have just said he didn't have to be rude and just leave me.

I quickly down both the drinks and grab my bag, no point waiting around here for him. As I left the club I saw calum holding hands with a blonde girl walking down the street, then getting into a cab.

Wow thanks calum. And here's me thinking we were getting along. He's such an asshole. 

Luckily I only live a few blocks down so I don't have to drive, which is good because even if I wasn't too drunk to drive I wouldn't be able to since calum drove me here.

I finally get home and I quickly take my heels off. I don't know why I even where heels I'm 5'11, I guess it just makes my legs look better. I check the time, 3am suppose I better go to bed.

As I'm taking my make up off in the bathroom my phone rings. It's Ashton.

'Hey' I answer

'Sophie? Omg are you ok are you with Calum?' Ashton asks me his voice full of panic and worry.

'Yeah I'm fine and no I'm not with Calum, I'm at home he left the club with some blonde girl in a cab. Why?' I tell him.

'That fucking idiot.' Ashton whispers. 'Do you know the girls name who he was with?'

'No I've never seen her before. She had blonde hair about 5'6 and she was wearing shorts with a black cropped top' I tell him. 'Is everything ok?' I ask.

'Yeah it's fine calum's just got himself lost again so I've got to pick him up' Ashton huffs.

'Do you want me to go instead?'

'No it's fine I've told him I'm going and truthfully I- I don't think he remembers you' Ashton sighs.

'Really? I thought we were getting on well, that douche'

'That's calum for you' Ashton laughs trying to lighten the mood but I don't laugh. How could he have already forgot me?

'Yeah, whatever I'll let you find him now bye' I sigh hanging up the phone before Ashton can say anything.

Well my night just got 10 times worse.

I take of my dress and get changed into my pjs. I just want to go to bed and get this night over and done with. Tomorrow is a new day and Calum will be sorry for being such a dick to me tonight.

So this is my first fanfic I hope you enjoyed it. Just a side note any places that I name are completely made up. Ok thanks bye xx

Better man (c.t.h)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora