Chapter 3

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Calum's PoV

Ashton drops me off at my house and I quickly run up to get a shower. After my shower I pick out a black shirt and black jeans, I'd usually just throw on any old vest top but I really want to make an effort for Sophie.

I spray on some of my cologne and then head downstairs and slip some shoes on before leaving the house and getting into my car.

We're all meeting at this cafe near Sophie's house and I'm really hoping to make a better impression on Sophie when the one she currently has of me. She thinks I'm just some douche that gets drunk a lot, which yes, is true but that's not the person I want to be anymore.

I pull up outside the cafe, Sophie Chloe Michael and Crystal are already sat in there waiting.

'Hey guys' I call out as I enter the cafe. It's very small and smells amazing there's only a few people in here and they're all quite old so I doubt they'll know who we are. I mean don't get me wrong I love our fans but sometimes it's nice to get a break and just get lost in reality for once.

I join them around the table and shortly after Luke Sierra and Ashton walk in together.

Sophie seems to be getting in with Crystal and Sierra really well. I still can't believe I never knew about Sophie, I don't remember Ashton ever mentioning her.

'Oh Guys this is Chloe by the way' Sophie introduces her best friend. She seems confident around everyone apart from Ashton which is strange because apart from Sophie Ashton's the only person Chloe knows.

We all order our food and chat while we wait trying to get to know each other. It only takes around 15 minutes until our food is ready. As I'm eating I here the bell from the cafe door ring and turn my attention to the door.

A blonde girl walks in I turn my attention away from her and look at Sophie who seems quite aggravated. She taps Ashton's shoulder and whispers something in is here, I can't quite make it out what she said though. Ashton looks over at the girl and the smile from his face drops.

Ashton's PoV

'That's the girl calum was with' Sophie whispers into my ear.

My face drops instantly when I see her. What the fuck is she doing here? I really want things to go well between Calum and Sophie but with her in the picture I can't see that happening.

I look over at Calum, he doesn't seem to recognise the girl. How drunk was he? I try to ignore her in the hopes she doesn't notice us, but a high pitched annoying voice tell me otherwise.

'CALUM HEY BABE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?' She shrieks walking over to Calum and sitting on his lap.

Calum looks at her confused and tries to push her off but instead she leans in and kisses him.

I look over at Sophie and see she's looking down at her feet, she's barely touched her food.

'Sophie are you ok?' I whisper to her, I know she really likes Calum from what she's been telling me so this must be heartbreaking for her.

'Yeah I'm fine' she mumbles, so quiet I can barely hear her.

'Are you sure, you've hardly touched your food' I ask her putting my hand on her shoulder.

I look up briefly and see calum is trying to get this girl off of him but she's not taking any of it she just holds onto him tighter and continues to make out with him and he doesn't seem to be trying that hard to get her off.

'Yes I'm fine I'm just not feeling well I'm going to go home' she tells me standing up and grabbing her bag.

'Ok well I'm coming back with you if you're not feeling well someone needs to come over and look after you' I tell her grabbing my coat and bag.

'No I'll be fine stay here please I wouldn't want to ruin your day' she says quickly and storms out. I get up to follow her but Chloe stops me.

'I'll go, I think this is a girl think' she smiles at me grabbing her things.

'Ok If you're sure, please text me if anything happens' I ask her.

'I would but problem is I don't have your number' she says shyly looking down at her feet.

'Oh yeah right, pass me your phone and I'll give it you' I smile.

As I'm taking out my phone from my pocket I see Calum manage to escape the blonde girls grasp and quickly run out the cafe after Sophie.

Sophie's PoV

I run out, tears in my eyes. I can't face seeing Calum with some random girl. I knew he hadn't changed all this bullshit he said to me, I knew it was too good to be true.

As I'm walking down the street to my house I hear my name being called out, I can instantly tell it's calum so I try to speed up and pretend I don't hear him but he catches up with me quickly.

'Sophie please wait' he calls out grabbing my arm pulling me to a stop.

I quickly turn around a tear now escaping my eye. 'What Calum, what do you want?' I shout at him.

'Listen I'm sorry about what happened back their I swear I don't know who that girl is' he tells me.

'Are you kidding me Calum? Of course you know who she is I saw you getting into a cab with her when you left me at the club'

Calum looks at me confusion all over his face. 'You don't remember do you? God you're so fucking pathetic' I yell at him pulling my arm away from him.

'No Sophie please wait, I promise I want to put all of that behind me I don't want to be that guy anymore, please don't be angry at me' he says holding my hand.

'I'm not angry Calum I'm just' I sigh and take a breath ' I'm just disappointed, you say all this about changing and being a better man but then you go and make out with a blonde girl who is technically a stranger to you since you do t remember her' I say to him the tears coming back into my eyes again.

'She was making out with me' he protests.

'Yeah well I didn't see you try and stop her' I snap at him.

'I just don't get it calum? Why are you like this? Treating girls like shit, drinking all the time?'

'I- i don't know' he sighs.

'Yeah that's what I thought' I spat at him walking away once again.

'Do you want to know that truth?' He shouts and pauses.

'Truth is I really do want to change, I want to be a better man it's just, I'm scared' he stops again.

'Scared of what?' I ask him.

'I'm - Well I guess I'm just scared of commitment, I'm scared of settling down with a girl. But most of all, I'm scared of falling in love and being left heartbroken if something happens. I don't want to fall in love... well at least I didn't until I met you'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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