Chapter 2

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Calum's PoV

I woke up with the biggest head ache. What the hell happened last night? My vision slowly comes back and I realise I'm not at home, it takes me a while but I soon realise I'm on the couch at Ashton's house.

'Morning' Ashton groans me.

'What happened last night?' I ask him rubbing my eyes and sitting up on the couch.

'Well calum you got wasted.. again. You ditched Sophie at the bar, got into a cab with a random girl who I'm guessing you don't remember. Oh and then you got yourself lost so I had to come pick you up' Ashton moans at me handing me an aspirin and a glass of water which I thank him for.

'Listen man, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to get drunk I don't even remember how it happened.' I say taking a sip of water.

'Yeah whatever' Ashton mumbles putting his s coat on.

'Where are you going?' I ask him.

'I'm going over to Sophie's to make sure she's alright since you left her at the bar last night and she had to walk home alone. At nearly 3am. Do you know how dangerous that is? If something would have happened to her I would've never forgave you' Ashton shouts at me.

'Chill bro it's not my fault' I snap back at him.

'Not your fault? Calum you left her in a club alone' Ashton snaps.

'Alright I'm sorry ok'

'It's not me you should be apologising to, it's Sophie. In fact come on you can come over with me and apologise to her' Ashton grunts at me throwing me my jacket.

'But I don't even remember her what exactly do you want me to say?' I moan at him.

'Tell her you're sorry for leaving her in the club last night and making her walk home alone' he shouts.

'Okay, fine' I put my jacket on and leave the house with Ashton. I can't believe he's making me go to some random girls house to apologise for something I don't remember.

I look terrible right now because I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes and my hairs a mess but I don't really care because I don't see why I need to make an effort for a girl.

We pull up outside, what I'm guessing is her house. I get out the car and follow Ashton up to the front door. He knocks a few times and then she answers.

I can't see her face because Ashton's stood in front of her. They hug and walk inside leaving me to awkwardly follow behind.

'Sophie calum wanted to say something to you, didn't you cal' Ashton shouts.

Sophie walks back into the living room. Wow she's beautiful. How on earth did I forget her?

'Yes calum?' She sighs standing in front of me.

'I-uh' is all I can get out. What the fuck is wrong with me I never get like this around anyone.

'For fuck sake' she roles her eyes me and sits next to Ashton.

'Ugh I'm s-sorry for leaving you last night' I manage to stutter out.

'Do you actually remember leaving last night? I mean you don't even remember me' she groans at me.

'Well, um no not exactly but I know that I was drunk and what I did was wrong' I sigh looking over at her.

Sophie's PoV

'Well, um no not exactly but I know that I was drunk and what I did was wrong' he sighs and looks at me.

How can you stay angry at him? Of course I'm not going to completely forgive him but I can at least try.

'Fine sure apology accepted' I say to him.

'Thankyou Sophie, can we start over please? I know I've made a bad first impression on you but I swear I'm not like that' I say to her, walking over and holding my hand out.

'Hello mine names Sophie and you?' I smile shaking his hand. I know I have a problem of forgiving people easily but when they're this cute it's hard to say no.

'Calum' he smiles back.

'Well calum would you like a coffee?' I ask him.

'Please that'd be great' he smiles at me laughing slightly.

'Ashton do you want one aswell?' I ask him.

'Yes please Sophie, here let me help' Ashton replies standing up.

'No it's fine I'll help' Calum quickly says rushing over to me.

'Thanks' I smile.

Calum turns the kettle on whilst I grab the cups.

'So do you really not remember anything last night? I ask him, spooning coffee into the cups.

'I remember looking for Michael with Luke and Ashton and then.... oh I remember now, Ashton introduced me to you and we started talking then I remember being in a bench in the middle of no where' he says trying to recall last night.

'So you do remember me' I smile.

'Yes' he smiles back grabbing the milk from the fridge.

I can't help but smile to myself. So calum remembers me, but not the girl he left with. Maybe I did make a good first impression unlike some.

I finish making the coffees and Calum grabs 2 of the cups and I take the third. He hands a cup to Ashton the. Sits in the chair opposite us.

'So how do you know Ashton?' Calum asks me.

'Well we were friends back in high school and well we've been friends ever since. We just lost touch since the whole band thing took off, we texted each other quite a lot but we haven't properly seen each other for about 4 years.' I tell him sipping at my coffee.

'How come you've never mentioned her before?' Calum asks Ashton.

'I have Calum multiple times but you were always too drunk to remember anything' Ashton moans.

'So this isn't a one time thing? You often get drunk and forget things?' I ask Calum.

'That's the old me, I'm trying to be a better man now' Calum tells me.

'Yeah emphasis on the work trying' Ashton snickers causing Calum to tense up.

'Who's hungry? Let's go out and get breakfast Ashton do you want to ask Luke and Michael?'

'Yeah sure' Ashton pulls out his phone and rings the other boys.

'Can crystal and Sierra come as well?' Ashton asks me.

'Yeah of course the more the merrier' I tell him.

'I'll ring Chloe and see if she wants to come so it's an even amount of girls and boys' I say as I grab my phone from the table.

'Hello' Chloe answers almost immediately.

'Hey chlo you remember Ashton right?'

'Yeah of course why?'

'Well were all going out for breakfast if you wanted to come?' I ask her.

'Yeah sure I'll be over in 10'

'Ok see you later'


'Chloe's coming' I tell Ashton and Calum.

'Ok great, we're just going to head back home we'll meet you there in about half an hour' Ashton tells me grabbing his coat.

'Ok see you later' I hug him goodbye.

'Bye' he replies.

'Bye calum' I go to hug him but he makes it really awkward so instead I just shake his hand.

'Bye Sophie' he replies quickly and leaves the house.

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