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Aphrodite giggled as she braided the soft pink hair of the girl in front of her.

"You know, you're so pretty" Aphrodite fawned.

"You say that a trillion times every day, Aphrodite-sama" Sakura said.

"Well you've only been dead for seven days—"

"A week" Athena interrupted and flipped a page of her book.

"—so far and a trillion is impossible to do in one day" Aphrodite continued.

"You know, Hera might give you another chance, Sa-chan" Hestia said in Japanese. If Hera were to let Sakura live again Hestia wanted to go with her, so she learned Japanese. Aphrodite also learned and loved the kimonos so she always wore one since she met Sakura. She wanted to go down to earth with Sakura, Athena, Artemis, and Hestia as well.

"You guys really like me?" Sakura laughed.

"Of course we do" Artemis nodded as she sharpened a kunai. Artemis also wanted to go down with Sakura if and when Sakura lived again.

"Thanks Artemis-sama" Sakura smiles.

"Haruno Sakura" The five women turned to see Hera.

"Hera-sama, it is an honor to meet you" Sakura got up and bowed.

"You happen to have gained the favor of four major goddesses in Olympus, and you have gotten all of their blessings as well. The rest of the gods have decided to permit you to relive your short, insignificant life" the four goddesses brightened and tears pricked Sakura's green eyes.

"Thank you so very much, Hera-sama" Sakura bowed at the waist.

"Now go" Sakura's vision blurred and turned black.



Catchphrase is "Ara ara~"Acts like Lucoa from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, always keeping her eyes closed

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Catchphrase is "Ara ara~"
Acts like Lucoa from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, always keeping her eyes closed. Down for a one night stand but always the best beauty guru. She shows off her...well endowed features.


Cold and could kick a Kage's ass with a flick of her finger but she likes the fight so she tones it down a lot

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Cold and could kick a Kage's ass with a flick of her finger but she likes the fight so she tones it down a lot. Very protective of people she cares for.


Cold and collected on the battlefield but real sweet when not

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Cold and collected on the battlefield but real sweet when not. Super smart. Could beat the entire Nara clan in Shoji even if they were all working together.


"Big-titted-mom" kinda goddess

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"Big-titted-mom" kinda goddess. Always kind and can make any kind of food you can think of. Gets mad when her house rules are broken but if you apologize while crying she will forgive you no matter what.

Sakura Haruno 春野サクラ

Gets bored a lot because she's already been through this life and knows what's gonna happen

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Gets bored a lot because she's already been through this life and knows what's gonna happen. Smart and could beat a Nara at least 2/5 times. Great medic.

456 words

I won't drop the other stories I have up

Not edited after publication.
Btw I made a bunch of this stuff up.

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