Are We Demented Or Am I Disturbed? (Ronnie Radke and Matt Good)

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Swirling darkness

Going down



Until finally, I’m broken.

            You wouldn’t know from a glance at him but Ronnie Radke enjoyed putting other, innocent human beings in pain. But, I suppose you could say the same for me, since I’m the instigator of every life that has been cut sharply for no apparent reason accept for my own self-hatred. I’ve realized, a long time ago that I would never break free from Ronnie’s death-grip on me. Sometimes, he tortures them, others, he lets me do it simply because he’s too tired of me to do it himself. Currently, we were in Utah. Or Colorado, maybe Alaska. Don’t ask me. Ronnie stared at the road ahead of him, glaring at the cars making their merry way to a cookout. Or maybe someone they knew was having a baby or a funeral. That’s where I would love to be, at my own funeral…watching in the perspective of an innocent bystander who was there simply because they wanted to, maybe walked by and felt bad for the people, leaning over my grave in mourning. But, then, I noticed, to everyone in the small town of Marblehead, I’ve been dead for three years.

Are We Demented Or Am I Disturbed? (Ronnie Radke and Matt Good)Where stories live. Discover now