And Then They Hitched A Ride To Misery

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December 6, 2009

            “Guess who?” I heard a comforting voice say from behind me as the person put their hands over my eyes. I smiled and decided to play dumb.

            “Uhm…that super-hot guy from math?” I giggled. Fourteen years ago, this crazy bitch was born. And at that time, Ronnie Radke was simply an emo who kept to himself and his notebooks. I never knew what was in those white, scribbled on notebooks, but sometimes, if I looked at him long enough in the cafeteria, I could see his hands move and almost make out the letters he was writing. I watched the way he would bite his lip and press hard on the pen, almost as if the blank paper was his enemy.

            “Ha, I fucking wish,” The person said letting their hands drop from my eyes. I turned around and saw my best friends, Vicki and Jessie smiling at me. I laughed at them and we made our way to our first class of the day. I don’t understand many things about this horrid world, like why it had to be me that Ronnie chose to be a pawn in his sick game, or why the sky is the size it is. But, what I do understand is that people feed off of power.

            I know this simply because I watched. I watched people’s movements and try to figure out why they do what they do. Like a puzzle in my mind, connecting together, slowly but surely. It was snowing the day Ronnie pushed himself off of the brick wall and walked towards me on my way home from school. He wore a black, puffy jacket and black skinny jeans. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his jeans and I tried to imagine what I looked like in his eyes. My curly auburn hair, pulled to the left side of my head, my jacket open, showing my Misfits sweatshirt. He walked through the snow, leaving his boot prints in the fluffy snow. He stopped about an inch away from me, my face met with his chest and I felt Ronnie’s heavy breaths hit the top of my head. I looked up at him and saw he was gritting his teeth. “I know you watch me,” He growled. My eyes widened and I felt a rush of blood flow to my cheeks. “But,” he continued, “I have the perfect role for your naivety.” Smirking, in a swift motion, he had both hands around my throat. My back pressed against his hard chest. I didn’t flinch, nor did I squeal. I simple accepted my fate. I didn’t try to escape it (..lolololololololololololololllll) I just sort of let it happen.  To Ronnie, I guess, this was fun, entertaining, gave him a rush of excitement that he couldn’t find anywhere else. So, he used me. As an electric surge. Nothing but simply that. Nothing…nothing…nothing…

            My vision began to blur and finally, everything went black.


            I woke up a while after in a dark basement. Ronnie sat across from me playing Solitaire on the cold concrete floor.  My eyes flickered from his game to his eyes. I slowly reached over and moved the King from the bottom of the second deck and moved it to the empty space. Ronnie looked at me from behind his hair and we sat there in an awkward silence until I finally broke it. “What’s my role?” I asked keeping my eyes on the game. Ronnie smiled.

            “Ahh, I was hoping you’d remember,” He said. “Now you, Hannah, will be the slutty assistant.” I looked up at him and our hazel eyes met.

            Changing is scary to some people. It was scary to me at first when Ronnie gave me black skinny jeans and a black tank top with a star-studded belt. Now I simply accept it and try to help the others accept it as well. I never understood why he wanted us to look the way we did but he did.


            Watching Ronnie taught me many things but one of the biggest he was troubled, very troubled.  One thing the victims didn’t understand about him, this one especially. This one was one of the dumbest I’d ever seen. He begged and pleaded like a child. This always made Ronnie happy; he loved inflicting pain on others.

             I looked at Ronnie from the corner of my eye and he was smiling the way a mother would smile at her newborn. I looked back at Ronnie’s – our – victim and he was weeping.

            “Shut up!” Ronnie snapped at him before turning to me “Dress him.” He commanded pointing to the small closet in the corner of the room. He walked out of the room and slammed the door this made the victim flinch.


            I walked into the closet and grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be Ronnie’s favorite outfit. He was going to have fun very soon.

            I came out of the closet (lol) and threw the outfit at the shaking person. He picked it up and gave me a questioning look. I told him to put it on and nothing would go wrong. He quickly obeyed and I smile before sitting across from him. He looked at me with a worried expression and I giggled. I never hurt them unless Ronnie told me to and even then it wasn’t that bad.

            “What’s your name?” I asked curiously. He answered with the name Carl. That name would not satisfy Ronnie he liked dangerous names.


            “Not anymore. If you want to live through tonight your name will be Blade (XD). When the master asks you reply with that name and that name only, understand?” he nodded his head and sniffed. I got up and walked out of the room into what I now called home. It wasn’t a nice place at all, Ronnie didn’t like to clean and I sure as hell wasn’t going to so it was messy all the time.

            I pushed some papers off the sofa and sat down resting me head on the back of the couch. My eyelids drifted shut as my mind wondered.


            “Do it” Ronnie said to me “Kill him” the gun shook in my hand and I aimed it at the crying man’s chest. The man begged me not to do it but I knew if I didn’t Ronnie would.

            “Fucking do it!” Ronnie yelled. I steady my hand and pulled the trigger. I thought my eyes would snap shut but instead they got wide as I watched the blood poor out of the wound. I watched it stain the already blood stained rug and I smirked. I never thought I would like watching life drain from someone but I did. It entertained me, gave me a tingly feeling in my stomach.

            I had just killed this man and I didn’t even know his name or anything about him besides the fact that he was dead and I had caused that death. I felt proud and I looked up happily at Ronnie.

            Ronnie patted me on the back before leading me out of the room. He was dead…dead…dead…

Are We Demented Or Am I Disturbed? (Ronnie Radke and Matt Good)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora