Chapter 1

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"Noo...please aunty don't do this to me.  I will not repeat this again. Please have mercy aunty.  Nooo...... " All my pleas fell on deaf ears. I was roughly pushed into the cold room which I always dreaded to enter. The door was slammed into my face as I was still pleading. My aunt kept shouting and cursing words I wouldn't bother to say.
My cousin, Jane who had reported me for breaking a glass was laughing and encouraging her mother. She is the one who intentionally pushed me so that I could get into trouble, but who would believe me even if I said it was Jane?  Everyone in this wicked family was against me. Even the spoilt Jane's brother, Alex was so cruel to me. He bullied me everytime since I was little. Uncle John and Bruce the family dog were the only ones who were nice to me. The problem was that Uncle John used to work abroad and was rarely home. Whenever he came back he would bring me gifts which my aunty and Jane would soon grab and I wouldn't say a word.
Bruce oftenly kept me company but he was always punished because of me. No food and terrible beatings from aunt. He was also pushed into the cold room with me and he's the only comforting thing about this place. I looked around the room and fear creeped my spine. Goosebumps started forming on my already hard and withered skin. I couldn't see a thing. My eyes started adjusting to the darkness. I went up too the corner where there was a blanket on the floor and covered myself and Bruce. I kept crying till I passed out. I had not eaten anything since morning but still kept working. I dreamt of my beautiful mother who kept smiling at me telling me that all will be fine.  Her smile kept my soul in peace. And with that I kept drifting in and out of sleep.

Hello guys, this is my first time writing so I hope you enjoy this story. Critism and appreciation of my work is acceptable but no abusive words. Thank y'all.

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