The accident

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December 18 2008 I was 6 years old and it was the day my moms work had a Christmas party , my mom had to work that day so after the kids party we had a family friend drive me home it was stormy but not to bad, we had turned down a back road to get away from a lot of traffic the next thing we knew we were sliding around on ice the driver took her hands off the wheel and that's when it all went in slow motion she acted like it was a roller coaster she yell "weeeeeee" trying to make sure I wasn't scared the person in the passengers seat prayed I watched as she bowed her head I remember hearing he says " dear God" then I hit my head when I came to the person who was in the passengers seat was outside the car on the phone freaking out i looked down and there was glass all over me all the windows were smashed at the roof was caved in the driver had cuts all over her. I was pulled out through the broken window beside me two people pulled over on the side of the road to help us they let me sit in the car and warm up I was dazed And confused fire trucks and ambulances came I was put into one on a stretcher and was asked all kinds of questions to see if I was hurt everyone said that I was lucky I should have been hurt more one little scratch on my hand was all I got the car was destroyed I knew I should have gotten hurt more I believed at that moment that maybe when she prayed there was protection over the car and over me she prayed for me to be safe and I ended up hardly harmed I got one cut they turn out of the car I could have died but I didn't God was protecting me and even though then I didn't fully believe it I know now  that maybe just maybe he was there that day to protect me.

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