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From the time of the accident nothing like that every happened again well not that I can remember or seemed like it could be God. After The accident I started watching horror movies and paranormal shows I made a fake ouija board with my friend to joke around with it didn't work it was just on paper nothing happened with it. Until I started getting these nightmares I still get them to this day I get paralyzed in fear "sleep paralysis"I would see these tall black figures with no face but glowing eyes they would watch me and it felt like they were holding me and making me not able to move they would say things to me that I was never able to understand in these moments I feel lost and scared I never know what to do then in a split second It's gone like nothing even happened I would wake up in sweats scared to close my eyes and go back to sleep that maybe the things that I saw in my dream would come back on haunt me I always feel like something is watching me I used to imagine a glowing ball around me as my protection it made me feel safe I could feel the bad energy disappear as soon as I imagined the orb there was a sense of relief. I had talked to someone in grade 10 and told him about my experiences with these beings I've seen he suggested that when I'm stuck in those situations to yell and call out for God so whatever the being is will leave me alone. Some one I told about these dreams said it could be a Demon haunting me from being apart of "spiritual rituals" watching people on tv do exorcisms and making a fake ouija board (even though ouija board didn't do anything) and when you watch those movies or shows or they are calling on the paranormal through the tv apparently those can call them into your own life, so from the time i started talking about theses dreams they stopped occurring as frequently as they used to when i started talking about them i felt less afraid of going to sleep and haven't woken up in the middle of the night from these dreams i used to get them twice a month but i haven't had any in the past few months but i remember calling for God the last time it happened and now i feel that maybe god is there to protect me at night.

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