Chapter 8

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• Ryder's POV •

The phone started ringing so I shut the door of the bedroom and ran as far away from Alex as I could. I didn't want her to eavesdrop on me.

Michael picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Ryder man you'll never guess what happened!" Michael said.

"Let me guess you just saw Alex Stone get punched in the face?" I said.

"Yeah, me and Brad went to some juniors party and hell went down. Some kid named Nate or whatever was trying to get with Alex and she got mad or something like that, I guess she's a total wuss.

"Tell me exactly what happened"

"Okay sure man, well we were at this party and we heard some noises from upstairs so we figured it was of course some horny ass kids going at it. But then it sounded like she was trying to tell the kid to stop or whatever so me and Brad was going to go and check it out, you know just in case. But when we made it halfway there we heard this big ass thud. Next thing you know Alex comes shooting down the stairs like if her ass was on fire, but dude she was a mess. You know her makeup was everywhere and her clothes were on backwards, any who then I saw Nate come right down after her so I stopped him and was like 'hey what's going on?' next thing you know Alex comes up to us and Nate punches her straight in the lip, splitting it right open" Michael told me real quick since he was talking fast.

"So was Nate like aiming at her or you?" I asked through my clenched teeth.

"Dude I have no fucking clue, for all we know he could have been aiming for himself that was how drunk that kid was but I do know is that he took a swing and Alex had got it" he replied.

"So you didn't dodge the punch right like you know he wasn't aiming for you" I asked eagerly.

"He could've been, but dude I didn't dodge it" he said after he took a couple of seconds thinking about it.

"Okay thanks i gotta go I'll talk to you tomorrow" I said.

"Alright man, see you tomorrow" He replied.

She lied to me! I walked back upstairs fuming. I don't care how drunk Nate was. I was convinced he meant to punch her. I was ready to confront Alex for standing up for that bastard ass boyfriend. It was no fucking accident at all he was trying to have sex with her but then punched her in the face. She needed to stop with being so fucking naive and dumb that asshole and file a police report.

I swung the door open and entered my room.

"Alex you can't just-" I started to tell but stopped myself when I saw her.

She was asleep on my bed. I looked at the time and realized how late it was, I took a blanket and covered her body with it. I walked into the guest bedroom and fell asleep in a couple of minutes later.


THANK YOU! Everyone that has been voting and commenting I really appreciate it and I love you guys!

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