ⓔⓘⓖⓗⓣ || he's coming over

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I'm back! I hope this will be worth the wait:)



I walked into the kitchen to find my mum there and my dad sitting at the table again with his newspaper.

I was feeling especially groggy because there was no hot water in the bath. I felt like I was using ocean water. It wasn't even lukewarm, it was ice cold.

That is just about the worst way to start off a day.

"Good morning mum, morning dad." I hugged my mum and kissed my dad on the cheek.

"Good morning." He said, "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, grabbing some cereal. "The bathroom didn't have any hot water though, my bath was freezing cold."

Mum and dad shared a discreet look which they though I didn't notice.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Um...sweetie," My dad said hesitantly, "Your mother an-"

"Oh Olivia," mum said, "your father and I will be going to your Auntie Ivy tomorrow, and we're going to be gone overnight, so I was thinking you could invite over a friend or two so that you won't be too alone."

I looked back and forth between them trying to understand what the interruption was about, but their expressions told me nothing.

Why are they always acting so suspicious?

"What about Melody?" I asked.

Mum sighed, looking sad. "She's most likely not even going to leave her room."

I nodded. "Why are you going all the way to Winchester to visit Aunt Ivy though?"

"Because, we just haven't seen her in a long time."

I rolled my eyes, not believing that, but I let it go, because when my parents wanted to keep something from you, no matter what you bribed or threatened them with, they would not tell you.

I grabbed my mobile and a bottle of water, waving goodbye to them as I left the house



"Yeah I'd love to come over." Naíma said.

"Great! I can record a movie for us. Which one do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Who's going to the movies?" Axel came up behind us.

We were in the employee locker room, putting our things away and getting ready to go back home.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Nobody, Naíma's just coming over to my house because the rents are leaving tomorrow night to go visit my Aunt in Winchester."

He nodded. "Cool, what time is it?"

"Well she's just going to come home with me after we finished tomorrow, but you didn-"

"Great, I'll see you guys then." He said, leaving the room.

I turned to Naíma who looked just as confused as me.

Seriously Axel?

"Did he just..."

Naíma nodded. "I think so.'

A Wilde SummerWhere stories live. Discover now