Chapter 1

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"You know what? You can pay for your own drinks from now on!" I screamed.

He drank it. He actually fucking did it. Jim drank my fucking tequila. Not just one bottle, but three bottles. He drank them during my entire shift at the bar. And he didn't even look like he gave a shit.

But he is going to care by the end of this night or so help me Gods...

"You're such an ungrateful bastard!"

Just snap his neck and be done with him already. I know how to make fake passports. The voice suggested. I hissed at her to keep her mouth shut.

Jim. Gods, where should I start? Jim was a brown-headed business man with bland hazel eyes. A typical human who uses others to survive. He had a serious weight problem because he was too lazy and 'tired' to go work out.

Tired my ass!

He worked three hours and I worked half the day. He was a beyond useless boyfriend.

His chubby cheeks turned pink. He had the gall to meet my gaze. Looking me in the eyes was a mistake. It made me want to shove a bottle down his throat.

"How could you do this to me? You owe me everything, including your life! You would still be living in your mom's basement if I didn't offer you a place to stay."

Jim pouted, "I'm sorry babe; I didn't mean to make you mad. You know I would never do that to you on purpose." He opened his arms to me. He thought I was going to swoon for him because he was apologizing? Wrong, wrong, wrong.

"That's not how this works, Jim."

"Come on, Abby, we're both really tired. Let's just go to bed and we'll sleep this off. We're probably just heated from work." He offered.

It took all of my energy to not squeeze his throat. My head felt as though it was floating, leaving my body to sink. My balance faltered. I put a hand on my table to rest.

"I got fired and I was depressed, okay? I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

If I still had my enhanced hearing, I'd probably have heard his heart tick out of place. A liar's heart.

Please tell me you're going to snap his spine. The voice sighed.

I met his eyes. "So, that means you're allowed to raid my bedroom and drink my tequila?"

"Well I didn't think that you'd care so much." He scoffed.

"You thought that I wouldn't care about the three bottles of tequila, that I spent three hundred and eighty dollars on?" He kicked at the floor like a child, not looking at me. My knuckles ached to meet his face. "I'm going to fucking murder you."

Irritation streaked across his freckled face. "Just because you own this place, doesn't mean that you own me."

Kill him.

I narrowed my eyes, "Don't even go there with me."

"Oh, but I want to go there. You act like just because you gave me a place to stay, that I no longer have rights!"

I felt like curling my fingers around his greasy neck and squeezing the air out of him. "I'm sorry if I have problems with you coming home from work, flopping down on my couch, turning on my TV, and expecting dinner to already be made for you!"

I curled my fingers on the edge of the table. "You sleep on my bed, you eat my food, and you use my electricity. That means you follow my fucking rules."

Book 1: Woven WorldsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora