Chapter 15

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I tumbled to the rocky floor. A hot gust of wind blew through my hair and over my skin. I lifted my head, taking a deep breath of the polluted air. The light of the peeking sun behind the tangerine clouds blinded me and forced me to squint.

Streaks of orange and pink melded with the oncoming midnight blue. Stars poked through the array of colors, and clouds twisted into puffy shapes. It was dusk, almost night. I turned, the sun was setting and the moon was rising. The white form of the moon peaked above the tall bodies of stone skyscrapers.

We stood on the roof of the warehouse. Cars beeped loudly and people chattered obnoxiously from below, lights still blinked and lit up the streets.

My eyes adjusted and I took in the full majesty of the sky. Tears brimmed my eyes.

Esther nudged me. "You okay?"

"Yeah...but, I remember when we would watch the sun rise like this."

Isra put a hand to my back. Her hand was warm. "Sorry all of this happened, Avi."

I roughly swallowed my tears. "You know, that's that nicest thing you've said to me since you got here." She gave me a sad smile.

The sun completely set and the colors disappeared from the sky, leaving only a navy-blue canvas with shimmering white spots. Isra scanned the rooftop. "Something's here."

Esther's hand fell to the pommel of the weapon at her waist. Something cold and ancient circled us like a vulture over a carcass. Isra suddenly shoved us away as a figure rose from her shadow. Esther bristled and ruptured with light.

I couldn't see anything through the thick haze of white and random blotches of color. Esther snarled and snapped her teeth. Esther's body knocked me down before my eyes could adjust. I sat up when the Meithach rolled off of me, gripping her bleeding side.

The old man had Isra by the jaw. She clawed at his wrist as he lifted her off the ground. "Koroiu ghikch ho roiu." He smiled.

"Shut up!" She slammed her thumbs into his eyes.

He reeled back, dropping the Shadowmancer to cover his face. Isra shouted out an incantation. Acid fog seeped from the ground under the old man as he dropped his hands. He took one last look at her before he was engulfed by the green smog.

A black string slithered around Isra's neck. I scrambled to my feet. "Marionettist!"

Her head jerked back and she reached up to her neck, trying to gasp for breath.

Shadows tore the acid fog from around the old man and smothered the pallid green wisps. The invincible Beings stepped from the darkness, completely unharmed.

I lifted my hands to him, mustering as much power as I could. Shadows rubbed their bald heads against his legs. He petted them while murmuring in Veil Speech.

Isra fell to her knees. Her face was already deep purple. I got to my feet. "Solas!" Ice slid into my nerves, coating my muscles in acetic verglas as sunlight burst from my palms.

The Shadows leapt forth and piled atop each other, creating a thick barrier between me and their summoner. My spell barely made a dent in their wall.

The darkness washed away into charcoal water before crawling back to the old man's shadow. "I wish I could finish this," The Marionettist rose from the roof to crouch beside its master. The elderly Shadowmancer stroked its inky cheek. "but I'm a busy man with things to do."

Isra gasped as the Marionettist released its hold on her throat and melted into its summoner's shadow. I barked, "Coward! All you've been doing is appearing and disappearing!"

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