chapter 17

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"Hey Brooo!!" Daniel screamed into my ears as I sat on my desk. "What the fuck dan?"

"Accha sorry."

"Fuck off"

"What's up? Why so grumpy bro? Everything fine between you and Sia."

"No man" 

"Why? What happened?"He asked. And I started narrating the whole fight to him. Yes it had almost been one and a half week and I hadn't even told my best friend about it.

"That's fucked up. Like I don't even know whose side to be on. Not because you both are my friends or some crap, but because both of you are right in your own way."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"See what I mean is that, you are right in your own way but you aren't seeing her side in this. And you need to think from her side too. Maybe it's something really huge for her to tell right now. Just give her time and she will tell you and before you say anything. I know you gave her a month but maybe she just needs a bit more time. And instead of not talking to her and avoiding her, talk it out and solve it. Okay? And trust her Pritish. You out of everyone should know that trust is the main base of a relationship. So give her time.Wait for her to open up to you. And you know that a relationship only works out when both of them share their problems and clear misunderstandings by talking it out. That's how it works and not by yelling at each other." 

I was beyond shocked when he said all that not for any other reason but because you would never expect a guy like him to say things like this. "Damn Daniel" I said and bursted out laughing. He looked at me weirdly before understanding why I was laughing.

"Motherfucker. You always wanted to say that, didn't you." I just shook my head in response.

"No, but seriously Pritish think about it and alsoooo, drop that plan of yours man. Don't hurt her cause from what you told me right now she is already pretty hurt."

"I dropped it the moment I fell in love love with her."


"Chup be.(Shut up)" I said as I smacked his head.


It's been almost one and a half week since my fight with her. I really am worried about her and she can't just see that. And her allegation on my was the most shocking thing she said in the whole fight. How could she even doubt about my feelings for her? 

Isn't this what you wanted form the start ?   This was the thought that crossed my mind again and again. 

But now I wanted to deny it. I always wanted to do this, but since the past few weeks I changed my mind. Changed my plans.

Not because I knew she was already suffering but because I actually fell in love with her.

From the day of our fight I have tried my best to avoid her. People might think it's just a small thing and I am simply getting worked up for it. But no one except her knows how much it affects me when someone doubts my feelings.

Maybe if she had said this a few weeks ago I would have not cared because I din't. And as of now I know she needs time away from me and me away from her. No matter how much we just want to lie in each other's arms, cuddle or kiss; we have to do this.

I was tired of sitting in my room and thinking so I thought of going on a ride to a place which was the only place that could help me right now.

I wore my leather jacket and my motorbike's keys and headed outside.

I went to the same place where I had taken Sia for our first date. This place has it's own magic on me. You know there are always a place or thing that has it's own magic on you. It's indescribable but you can only feel it. People might find it weird but to you it's magical. And that's how that place is to me.

As soon as I go there, all my worries, all my fears, everything just goes away. It just vanishes. 

I went to my spot and parked my bike there. And went a bit ahead where there was a lake and sat near it. I was lost in my thoughts, occasionally throwing pebbles into the water.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, so I removed it to see who was calling.

"Sia <3" it read. I picked it up.

"Pri" I heard her sob from the other end. 

"Sia. Baby what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Haan? No I am not crying. It's just that I have a caught a cold, so I am having a runny nose."

"What did you do now Sia?" I asked.

"I was sad. So I might have eaten over two tubs of cookies and cream icecream" she replied in a baby voice. This girl would be the end of me I tell you. 

I sighed and said "Baby I know this is affecting you but it doesn't mean you get yourself sick.Okay?"


"Now tell me why you had called me."

"I have a business party at my home tomorrow evening so I wanted to know if you would come." she said in a very low voice.

"Yeah , babe I'll be there don't worry okay? And now go to sleep and take your medicines."

"Yeah okay. Byeeeee" she said and chuckled.

"Bye baby." I said as a smile made it's way on my lips because of her silly antics. I ended the call and kept the phone in my pocket and laid down, looking at the sky.

"Hey Pri." 

I heard a voice which I was pretty sure wasn't Sia's. And only two people called me that. I widened my eyes as I recognized the voice. No it couldn't be her.

"Pri? What happened?"


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