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I don't watch many movies, so this won't be too long. But here's most of the movies I like most.

Comedy/Family: Anything Pixar (Besides Cars 2, screw that movie), The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, (Does that one even count as family? Like, it's rated G but it can get dark. Like, really dark.)
The Two Spongebob Movies, Dumb And Dumber Too, and Where The Red Fern Grows, (IF YOU DO NOT CRY IN THAT MOVIE YOU HAVE NO SOUL) and that's it. (Dang, I really don't watch many movies.)

Horror: The Conjuring, The Houses Of October Built, The Gallows, Nightmare On Elm Streetand, Scream and Dead Silence.

And my favorite movie is The Wall. It was made in 1982 (Three years after the album was released) and followed the storyline that the album told. The movie is pretty all over the place at some points, so I'll keep it brief; The plot is about a man named Pink, who is a musician. He has a pretty tough life, and, early in his life, started to wall himself away from society, because he saw it as flawed and hated it.

Over time, however, he realizes he needs society, because the Wall made him distant, lonely, and somewhat insane. The movie even suggests that he has schizophrenia, because he often times hears voices in his head and suffers from hallucinations. At the end, his own mind tears down the Wall, and he can try to rejoin society.

I say "try to rejoin society" because the movie never really tells us what happens next. I like to think that he was able to become normal, though.

So yeah, this is definitely my favorite movie. I love the story, I love the soundtrack (For obvious reasons), and I love dark movies, and the movie is pretty dark and depressing. Which is actually ironic, because Roger Waters said that he disliked the movie because of how depressing it is. I still love the movie, though, and I highly recommend it to anybody who likes darker stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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