Chapter 3

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{With Sonic}

After I left the house I started walking towards green hill, Super and Fleetway are trying to comfort me, they always have been there since that day


12 years ago

I had washed up on a river bank, barely breathing and half froze to death, I had opened my eyes a little to see a golden glow in front of me

" who are you " I asked as I shivered

" it's ok Sonic we're not going to hurt you, we'll get you warmed up, so just rest for now ok " the voice was soothing and gentle

" Fleetway, pick him up we need to get him out of the cold or he could get hypothermia " another golden figure came up behind the first, that I can only presume is Fleetway

" ok, but why do I have to do it Super " fleetway said before I blacked out

When I had awoken I was under a blanket and next to a fire, I sat up and looked around only to see I was by myself again

I remembered the events that had happened before I meet the figures, and tears came to my eyes

After I had calmed down, I looked around again and saw some food and a note


We know your probably wondering who we are, but you will find out soon enough, just be patient

If you ever need us we will be there, but only when your life is in danger and you can't do anything to save yourself

We care about you, if anything happened to you we would follow, when your older you will understand, but for now though just rest and eat something

~Super and Fleetway

A small smile came to my lips, at the thought of me not being alone

[End of flashback]

A small dry chuckle comes out as well as tears as I fall on my knees

" can you please take me...home " I asked The two of them, they look at each other and chaos control me to the place I lived in until the incident

To Be Continued

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