Chapter 12

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{Sonic's Pov}

I woke up it a strange place I had never been before, I sat up and looked around, Silver was next to me asleep and Shadow was sitting in a chair

At first I was scared, but I heard Dark whispering the words he had told me before I fell asleep, I look down at my body and see bandages

I look up again and see glowing red eyes staring at me, I jump slightly and lower my ears

I heard him sigh, and he came over to me

" hey, it's ok, I am sorry for what I did, come on, lest make you some breakfast " he said, I nodded slowly

He stood up and waited for me, I look at Silver, he was still asleep but there was blood on his fur, my blood

I soon followed Shadow down stairs and to the kitchen, I saw Shadow grab things out to make pancakes, but he paused and cursed under his breath

" I'll be back, and don't touch anything sharp " his voice laced with something I only ever heard from my forms

I only nodded, my throat was to sore to make a sound, this reminded me of when I was younger, it took me 8 years to get my voice back, I'm scared I won't be able to talk for awhile again

I heard a yell from Silver and Shadow, they came down arguing

" I don't know how to cook, even ask Blaze I set my cereal on fire some how " I heard Silver grumble to Shadow, I shake my head and go into the kitchen

I grabbed the bowl and measured the flour and placed it into the bowl with the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, sugar, some cinnamon and mixed it, I saw Shadow out the corner of my eye

He looked confused on what I was doing, Silver was watching as well, probably to stop me from grabbing anything sharp and cut myself with it

Shadow had placed some fruit on the bench before he left to get Silver, I was frustrated sort of, because there was fruit that needed to be cut up into pieces and I couldn't do that unless I wanted to be pulled out of the kitchen and I admit I would cut

Like the mango (My favourite fruit), strawberries, watermelon and some oranges

I grabbed a knife out of the draw and placed it on the bench before they could say otherwise

After I put some of the mix in the pan I looked at them then at the fruit, I fiddled with my hands a little but they didn't understand so I looked around

I found a blank piece of paper and a pen, and I wrote on it

' seemingly both of you can't cook and don't want me touching anything I could cut myself with, could you cut the fruit, I would ask you verbally but my throat is sore ' is what I wrote and showed them

I saw Shadow slap himself for some reason

" I know how to cook, but it would be burnt " he stayed looking away from silver who was glaring at him

Shadow walked over and cut everything

Once everything was done, Silver set the table and also grabbed some wiped cream, syrup, butter, jam and some drinks

The moment they both took a bite of the pancakes they ended up scoffing them down

I laughed at this, but it was dry and raw, it hurt to the point I started coughing, Shadow came over and handed me a cup of water, I drank it slowly

Once it finished I started to eat, I ate all of it but regretted it because I ran to the bathroom, I threw up in the toilet, it smelt horrible

I leaned against the wall and breathed in and out, I could taste the sick still, I hated this, being sick

I saw Silver with a worried look, he neald down in front of me and looked at the toilet with a discusted look, he ended up flushing it

" you haven't eaten much have you " I shake my head in response, and I know I'll be dealing with throwing up every time I eat for a while

Silver helped me up and we walked to the lounge room, to my surprise Rouge and Blaze were there, when they saw me they gasped and ran to me pushing Silver out of the way

I laughed slightly at that as they bombarded me with questions, most I couldn't answer

I saw Rouge glaring at shadow and Blaze at Silver

To Be Continued

Thanks for reading


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