chapter 1

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Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Smile. Here we go.

Anna spoke to herself several times every morning before walking into the gates of the school. She went to her locker and packed her books. She went through her normal everyday life. She went to her classes and was invisible as usual. Finally when all her classes were finished, and she had some extra time on her hands, and went to the library to write and finish her 10 page essay that was due for her history class about a month from now.

After about 5 hours or so of nothing but typing, Anna finally sighed and sat back in her chair. She sat there for a bit and then finally she stretched, reliving her aching back muscles. She printed out her report and saved it on the computer just in case she lost that copy. She then turned off the computer and walked out of the library. As she was walking past another computer lab she heard something. A whimper? No... Squeak?

She walked closer and then heard it a little more clearly. They were quiet sobs. Anna knew she couldn't leave because the guilt of leaving someone like that would soon get to her. So she took a breath and went into the lab. She couldn't see anything so she decided to flick on the light switch. And there she saw her, curled up with her face in her knees. The queen bee. Alexis Valentine.

Alexis let out soft sobs, when she heard the light switch flick, she lifted her head up to see her. Anna Rose. The quiet one. At the time their eyes met, there was this spark. At the time Anna didn't know what it was, but it made the butterflies go crazy. "Go away" Alexis said with a cold tone. Anna didn't listen, and just walked further in the room. "I want to know if your ok." Anna replied.

The door closed behind Anna as she approached Alexis. "I said go away!" Alexis shouted, Anna was a bit surprised at this little outbreak. She just decided that it might be best for Alexis to have her space. So she went to go open the door. But.... It wouldn't open. She jiggled it s few times, but no result. Alexis looked up at Anna with a very confused and concerned look, so she got up and decided to try the door herself. She even tried banging on the door and calling for help. "Don't bother... Nobody's here. The janitor comes by at least a 5:00am...." Anna said quietly and shyly.

"DAMNIT! you mean we are stuck here all night!?" Alexis shouted in Anna's face. Anna just sunk down in a chair and hid her face, she let out a small whimper, only to hear a low grumbling sound. Anna looked up and saw Alexis crossing her arms and looking down, she had a slight blush across her cheeks. 'She's so cute... wait. What am I thinking!?' Anna thought. She pushed her glasses up to the bridge of her nose and then pulled out a granola bar from her bag. "Here... I know it's not much..." she offered. Alexis hesitated for a moment before accepting the offer from the extended hand in front of her. "Here... you may need this too..." Anna also offered Alexis some water, she accepted that too.

After a few moments of silence, Alexis broke it by clearing her throat, "Thank you." She said with a soft smile, Anna responded by just smiling and slightly nodding her head. Alexis giggled a bit, "you don't talk much, do you?" She asked. Anna just shook her head, "I don't really know what to say, people don't really talk to me, so this is kind of a first..." she looked down and blushed, and with that, she heard that core tingling giggle again. Who knew all she needed was a granola bar? Anna chuckled to herself and looked up only to look right into some emerald green orbs. "That's an interesting mark you've got there." Alexis said and pointed to Anna's temple, it was just a simple heart shaped birth mark, and she blindly traced it with her finger. "I was born with it." Anna replied and smiled. "Hey? I've got an idea, let's see how many firsts I can get you to do tonight." Alexis blurted out with a smirk. Anna just nodded in response. "Have you ever tried... vandalism...?" Alexis asked with an evil little smirk on her face. "V-Vandalism!? No! Never!" Anna replied, Alexis chuckled and handed her a marker, "go write on the desk, how about something like.... mrs Smith smells like rotten eggs!!" She chuckled again. "No! Heavens no!" Anna said and shrunk into her shoulders. "Ok, fine. Just start with the date then." Anna nodded in response and started writing the date. '5-15-16' Anna let out a satisfied sigh.

"Good! That's a start!" Alexis said and hugged Anna tightly. She was taken aback at first, but then she smiled and hugged back, she felt safe and warm in Alexis' embrace. "Why don't we move onto number two?" "Actually... number three... I've never been hugged by anyone else but my mother..." Anna replied. Alexis was dumbfounded, this girl has never been hugged? "Okay... number three... have you ever danced with somebody?" Alexis asked. "Never...." Anna replied sadly. Then she was taken by surprise when Alexis grabbed her hands, she placed one hand on her shoulder and held the other, then she put her free hand on Anna's waist, sending shivers down Anna's spine.

"Let's start with a slow dance.." Alexis smiled and started to move her feet, Alexis began to hum a tune, Anna wasn't sure what it was, but she chuckled and danced to the rhythm. they danced around the room in circles for a few minutes, Anna began to relax and then yelped a little bit when she was spun and then dipped by Alexis. She smiled and stood up straight. They both stayed that way for a while, just deeply looking into each others eyes. As if they were in a trance. Alexis shook her head and smiled. "How about number four. Tell me about yourself." Alexis said with a smile. She took a seat in one of the corners in the room and patted the seat next to her. Anna smiled and sat next to her, "so what do you want to know?" She asked. "Absolutely everything." Alexis replied, making Anna blush.

"Well... my name is Anna rose. I'm 17 years old, I'm in my junior year, and I'm a major in chemistry and trigonometry. I was born in Dallas Texas. Me and my mother moved here in New York when my father left us. My mother hoped for a better life for me here." Anna said. "What about your mother? What does she do?" Alexis asked curiously, Anna almost immediately replied, "well she grows spices and herbs. Like oregano, cilantro, basil, red peppers, and so on. I also work in the business, we sell the things we grow to local restaurants. They pay more since it's Fresh and all."

Alexis I couldn't help but smile at how Anna happily rambled about herself. But she suddenly felt really sad and wanted to cry again. "Must be easy huh?" She asked, her voice suddenly cracking again. "What?" Anna said looking over at Alexis, her expression turning really concerned.
" I mean it must be so easy to have a great life like that. Just a simple job. And you seem so happy with the life you have. Don't get me wrong I'm happy too... it's just..." she paused. Anna put her hand on Alexis' shoulder and looked her in the eyes, "Talk to me." She smiled.

" it's just..... so hard carrying the weight of the world alone... the expectations of my family and everybody else around me it's just difficult to deal with it all. The perfect grades, the perfect look, perfect lifestyle, the perfect fashion sense, even the perfect family. I'm never going to be perfect. And it's always so hard for people to understand that..." Alexis said while letting the tears flow freely. Anna pulled out a hankie from her pocket and wiped Alexis' tears away, she pulled her into a hug and slightly rocked her. "It's okay. It's all gonna be ok. I'm here for you. I'm right here." Anna said in a soothing voice.

Soon Alexis was calmed down by Anna's gentle words. She sat up and smiled at her. "Guess that was a first for me..." Anna furrowed her eyebrows as if asking what she meant. "I've never opened up to someone before... and I've never vent like that before... I've always kept it all bottled up..." Alexis said. "Well I'm here for you. And I'll never leave." Anna replied with a smile. "Thank you" Alexis simply said. "You can always call on me." Anna smiled.  They then began to stare at each other again. As if they were in that trance state again. Since it was dark, out the moon wad shining brightly in the dark room. Alexis couldn't quite see Anna, but she knew that she looked absolutely breath taking.

After a few long moments of staring at each other, Alexis again broke the silence with a question. "Have you ever been kissed?" She blurted out. Anna raised her eyebrows in shock but then smiled and felt her heart speed up. "No.. I've never been kissed." She looked at Alexis. Alexis smiled softly and then leaned in, putting a hand on Anna's shoulder and scooted close to her. She then leaned further in, close enough to where she could see all of Anna's features. Anna smiled again and cupped the side of Alexis' face and also leaned in.

And In that night, they both shared something with each other. Something that people could only wish for. Something that made, even the darkest of corners light up. Anna felt something that night. Something that people could only wish they felt.



I hope you guys like it! It took a lot of brain storming, but I'm finally finished! Please let me know what you think!

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