Chapter two

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                Anna felt like she was going to explode. She had never felt something like this before. Alexis pulled away and smiled at Anna before leaning her head on her shoulder. Anna blushed deeply and put her finger tips to her lips, she felt like they were on fire. The absence of Alexis' lips made her kind of sad but she smiled anyway. It was kind of like a high, not from drugs or anything, but the kind of high where you just sit there and smile like an idiot.

Anna finally spoke, "Thank you." She said quietly, "for what?" Alexis asked, raising an eyebrow. "For letting me experience this... it's absolutely amazing... your amazing..." Anna replied, just looking down and fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, just like a little kid. Alexis couldn't help but giggle at the way Anna was behaving, she was just so darn cute. "Let's try something else... ummm..." Alexis said while trying to figure out what they should do next, she put the tip of her index finger on her chin and thought.

"Hey! Let's mess up mrs smith's desk!!" She finally said aloud. "No! She'll get mad!" Anna whisper shouted, trying to keep Alexis quiet. "Nobody's here, it's not like she's gonna hear us, and she will never know it was us, plus there is no cameras in the classrooms." Alexis said with another evil little smirk on her face. "I can't" Anna said shyly, "Why.... you scared...?" Alexis said while getting dangerously close to Anna's face. "If you don't do it... I'll kiss you again.." Alexis said as she lifted up Anna's face, by holding her chin. "Well that wouldn't be all that bad...." Anna said quietly while brightly blushing.

Alexis chuckled and poked Anna's nose with her fingertip. "Fine. If you do it, I'll give you another kiss. Maybe even a little extra..." Alexis said, she followed that up with a wink, and she stuck her tongue out. Anna squeaked and sunk down to her knees, by know she was as red as a tomato. Alexis chuckled again and pulled Anna up into a hug, "please?" She said, all Anna did was nod in response. Alexis jumped up to her feet and went to mrs smith's desk and began to go through her files.

They switched name tags on students pictures, mixed up the attendance records, and even mixed up the lesson plans. after a few minutes of complete destruction, they put the files neatly back in their place and pushed the drawers back. Everything looked neat and tidy, but god only knows what chaos they created in those folders. "She's gonna have fun with that!" Alexis said and began to chuckle, Anna joined in, soon enough the room was filled with loud giggles. Those soon turned into laughs and a few quiet snorts that came from Anna, that caused Alexis to laugh harder.

After a few more moments they were able to calm themselves down, Alexis took Anna's hankie and dabbed the tears off the corner of her eyes and chuckled again. She then looked over at Anna who was looking down shyly at her feet. "Now I do believe I promised you something." Alexis said slyly, she hen began to slowly walk towards Anna, causing her to back up until she hit mrs smith's office chair, she fell in it but was just sitting. Alexis smirked and took advantage of this and straddled the smaller girl. Anna squeaked and blushed brightly at Alexis' actions, she couldn't really move, she felt paralyzed, but at the same time she could melt.

Alexis' smirk turned into a soft smile as she took Anna's hand and interlocked her fingers with her own, she then placed her free hand on Anna's waist and leaned in close to her face. Anna was frozen stiff, so she just stayed in place and watched Alexis get closer to her. Finally she felt a soft pair of lips connect with her own. She smiled against Alexis' lips and began to relax. They kept their rhythm until finally Alexis pulled away to take a break, "I could kiss you all day." Alexis smiled.

"I forgot to tell you that I have a boyfriend..." Alexis added. Anna looked up and felt jealousy rush through her veins. "But I don't feel anything with him anymore. To be honest with you, im just with him for the popularity... I feel so much happier with you around." Alexis said. Anna just smiled, but she still hated the fact that Alexis was taken, she growled internally and crashed her lips on Alexis' again. Alexis was shocked at Anna's sudden change in behavior, but she happily kissed back. They pulled back from each other and smiled again.

"Lets go back to our corner, It was comfortable there." Anna said. Alexis just nodded and got off of Anna's lap, then they both walked to the corner. Alexis pulled out her jacket and put it on, sitting back against the wall and watching the way the moonlight shifted on the walls. Anna did the same. After a long moment of silence, Anna pulled her hood over her head and sighed. Her muscles were rather stiff, considering that she was sitting on the floor for so long. Suddenly all the lights shut off and everything completely powered down, Anna whimpered and buried her face in the crook of Alexis' neck.

Alexis wrapped her arms around Anna, she cooed and stroked her hair in attempt to calm the little thing in her arms. "You scared of the dark, Love?" Alexis asked, all Anna did was nod in response. After a while, Anna began to calm down, and she fell asleep in Alexis' arms. Alexis didn't know what it was, but just being within this girls presence, it brought a sense of tranquility to her. She felt relaxed, and even happier, she felt like a different person. As she got captured in her thoughts, Alexis began to drift off to sleep.

After a few long hours passed by, the janitor came by to unlock all the doors, he woke up the sleeping beauties in the corner of the room, and they parted ways before going home to get ready for the next day. Alexis went home and was greeted by her father, but her mother was of course in her office. There wasn't an ounce of love between this family, but Alexis did love her father. She just wanted to feel loved, and she was longing for Anna's touch again.

When Anna got home, her mother greeted her and planted kisses all over her face. "Oh dear, I was so worried about you! Are you ok? Are you hurt? You must have been terrified with the power outage last night!" She rambled. "Momma, I'm fine." Anna smiled and hugged her mother. Anna parted ways with her mother and went to her room.... well... their room... it was a small room with a wardrobe and two beds, the house was rather small, considering that they never had enough money to afford a decent sized place. They had a small kitchen and a dining room table, and out back was a small garden that was growing the things that would soon be sold to local restaurants.

Finally, Anna and Alexis were at school, they didn't talk to each other, but they did occasionally steal glances from each other. Lunch time rolled around and Anna went to go look for Alexis, just to see if maybe she would want To have lunch with her. And sure enough, Anna saw the queen, from across the cafeteria, but what Anna saw, made her blood boil. The queen was sitting on her boyfriends lap, she was laughing and she was surrounded by her minions. As Anna was glaring at the two, she felt the tears fall freely, and the queen saw her. But she didn't look sad or concerned, she looked angry.

Once Anna noticed that the queen was staring at her, she bolted off to the bathroom. Alexis excused herself and followed Anna, she blocked the bathroom door and nearly shouted at the crying girl.
"Why are you following me!?" Alexis said angrily. "I... I just though that we..-" Anna was cut off by Alexis. "That we could what!? Look, whatever happened last night. I never meant it. I was just using you to pass the time. Do you honestly think I would ever like you?" Alexis spat at Anna, she had pure venom in her voice.

Alexis scoffed, seeing what was in front of her. "I would never love you." She said and walked away. As soon as that bathroom door closed behind her, Alexis felt her heart clench. Why did she say that? Why did she turn so bitter. She had no idea, but she kept walking, and returned to her table in the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, Anna was sitting on the bathroom floor and she sobbed. Today was another first for Anna, she didn't know what she felt. But it hurt, it felt as if her heart was going to shatter into a million pieces, she couldn't stop crying, whatever she was feeling, she hated it.

Her first heartbreak?

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