Chapter 5

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Heyyyyyy Guess whos back?!? I finally got my own laptop, so im gonna be writing as often as I can. For those who have been reading the story... IM sorry i left you hanging. Ive been focusing way more on my grades and homework. When i had free time at school, The wifi would black this website. so again, im sorry for the wait. But here we go, Chapter 5, lemme know what you think.


Anna packed a small bag of clothes just in case she would spend the night with Alexis again. After she had everything, she said her goodbyes to her mother and walked out the door. It was about a five minute walk to th park, so she would be there pretty quickly.  As she reached the park, she didnt see anybody at the picnic tables, so she kept walking. Eventually she came across the small hiking trails and caves and saw Alexis standing on a rock and waving her hands wildly. Anna juts chuckled and sped walked over to the girl. "Howdy" Anna greeted the girl in front of her. "Hey, Right this way" Alexis said as she guided the smaller girl to one of the caves along the trails. Once they got there, Anna stiffened up a bit, Because standing there, was Anna's old ex boyfriend, Sam. They met shortly after Anna had moved from Texas. They "dated" for about two months. Even though it was never really official, and they never kissed or anything. Anyway, Sam broke it off for another girl, a senior, and left with these words- "shes way cuter than you anyway.". Anna didnt care too much, considering she never really felt anything for Sam, but what he did was still cruel. Anyway, She walked into the cave and sat next to Alexis. "Anna, these are some of my closest friends, Trixie, Mike," They bole smiled and nodded. "And finally Sam.", He smirked and nodded at Anna, who just looked at her lap and squirmed a bit. "its nice to meet you all.." She spoke with a small voice. 

After a while of taking, giggling and telling jokes, it was clear that Anna was accepted into the group. She felt really good, because this was the first group of friends she ever had. Finally, they all decided that it was best to head home before it got too dark outside. "It was nice talking to you guys." Anna said with a smile. Mike returned the smile and gave Anna a fist bump, meanwhile, Trixie pulled her into a hug and ruffled her hair. "stay cool, kid." Trixie said with a wink. Then the two left together without another word. Right as Anna walked out of the cave, Sam pulled her aside and smiled. "I wanna talk to her for a sec. I'll make sure she meets you at the car, Amexis." He said, smiling. Alexis just nodded and headed to the car. Sam just pinned Anna against the rocks behind her and smirked, "Hey.. You look good..." He said with a soft tone. "Yea... thanks. You too I guess." Anna just looked off to the side and frowned. Sam released Anna from his grip, but still kept her trapped. "We should catch up sometime. I've changed as a person." Anna just looked Sam up and down and scowled. "Yea clearly, Now let me go." Anna tried to walk away, but Sam pushed her back, then he got really close to her face, close enough for her to smell the ciggarett smoke and alcohol on his breath. Anna grunted slightly and glared at Sam "come on babe. Give me a chance." Anna growled under her breath and pushed him back, "Don't call me that. I'll talk to you, but don't get your hopes up. There isn't a likely chance that I'd ever get with you." Sam just smirked and backed away from Anna, "well... until next time..." He licked his teeth and began to walk away. 

Anna just grabbed her stuff and sped walked to Alexis' car. WHen she opened the door, she instantly sat down and took a deep breath. Alexis looked over at the girl sitting in the passenger seat and furrowed her eyebrows. "Are... you ok..? That took a while.." she asked as she put her hand on Anna's shoulder. "Yea I'm ok... Can we go to your place now?" she replie without looking at Alexis. She just nodded and started the car, then began to drive off. It was very quiet halfway through the ride, that is, until Anna's stomach growled loud enough for Alexis to hear. She just chuckled and reached over to Anna and placed her hand on her thigh. "we're almost there. We'll get you some food soon." Anna just smirked and blushed lightly. 

Soon enough, they arrived at Alexis' home and walked inside. Yet again, it was empty. "Why are your parents never home?" Anna asked curiously. Alexis just frowned and replied "business trip. They're never home." She then walked past Anna and into the kitchen. Anna frowned and followed the girl, then took a seat at the bar and watched Alexis as she bent over and looked in the fridge. "How do you feel about leftover pasta?" Anna furrowed her eyebrows, "what kind?" "chicken alfredo. Long noodles." Anna perked up instantly, "Yummy!!" Alexis chuckled and put the big container in the microwave and grabbed two forks. Then once the timer went off, she placed it between the two girls and smiled. "Eat up", anna instantly dug in and practically moaned at the taste. "Good?" Alexis chuckled, "It's Wonderful!!" Anna exclaimed happily. "It's home made." Alexix replied. "It's delicious." Anna replied as she stuffed her mough with more pasta. 

After they both ate, they headed upstairs to Alexis' room and they both changed into their pajamas. As Anna was changing, Alexis came up behind her and prevented her from putting her shirt on. Then she put her hands on Anna's waist, causing the girl to yelp and jump "Your hands are cold!!" Alexis just chuckled and kissed Anna's neck and smiled, holding her for a bit. "Ok get dressed, I'll turn on a movie." She said as she gave Anna's bum little love pat as she walked out. Eventually the girl walked out and looked at the TV, "Twilight. Really?" Anna chuckled and jumped on the bed. "What? It's a good movie." Alexis replied defensively. Anna just rolled her eyes and smirked "right." Alexis then laid on top of the small girl and they shortly fell asleep like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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