29 Years Ago...

107 5 5

Hawkins Indiana, 1985

"Go go go!" Steve said to the kids as they rushed their way through hawkins lab to get to the exit door.

"It's... its locked!" Max tried to open it.

"Maybe el can open it..." Dustin suggested.

"She's too exhausted to even stay awake!" Said mike who was holding the unconscious girl in his arms.

A lot had happened to eleven in the past week, from discovering about her life killing disease, to facing her papa again. although he cured her disease, he intentionally used a medicine that made her powers out of her control, causing her to accidentally open a portal to the upside down in the middle of the town and setting the shadow monster and his demo-minions free. It was then revealed that brenner was under the possession of the shadow the whole time.

"I have the key!"

Everyone turned their head to look at the shouting individual... robin.

"Steve, she works for the lab, we can't trust her." Dustin whispered to his bat-wielding friend.

"Do we have any other choice?" With that, robin rushed toward the exit door and opened it.

Meanwhile at the photography store in the middle of the town, nancy and jonathan were struggling to survive the upside down attack.

"I thought these things died when eleven closed the gate!" Nancy said to her boyfriend in fear and dread.

"Well, they're clearly not dead now." Jonathan ran toward a local trash can and pulled two rusty pipes out of it.

"Nance, grab this!" He said as he tossed the other pipe to her and with that, the couple were ready to fight against the monsters.

A full grown demogorgon approached them and was ready to attack but it's head exploded and caused it's body to lifelessly crumble to the ground. The couple turned to left, expecting the presence of eleven but were shocked when they saw that their saviour was a blonde girl with a simple red tunic dress. Three people were coming from behind her, hopper, joyce and... mayor kline?

"Mom, hop, are you two ok? who is this girl? And why is the mayor with you?" Jonathan asked joyce in complete confusion.

"We are ok, son. This girl right here is mr. kline's daughter, judy kline, and as you already know, she's like jane." Joyce explained.

"So, what's the plan to stop all of these monsters from destroying the town?" Nancy asked while looking at the chaos.

Houses and buildings were being burned and wrecked, many people were dying, all lights were out and the sky was red with the mind flayer above it.

"I will put him back." Judy said in confidence.

"No judy, if you use your abilities too much, you will die!" Mayor kline knelt in front of her daughter and begged her.

"But dad, i have to! Look at the town, your town. It's being destroyed!" Judy was right, and her father knew it.

"Wait wait, you said you will put him back? Who?" Nancy asked her.

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