Little Fluffy Fox

13 0 4

Pairing: MiniLadd x WildCat
Ages: Craig 18 Tyler 18
Topic: Tyler is a tiger, Craig is a fox.
Requested: Dragor (again)

Tyler stood from his large nest. Leaves fell off of him. He yawned loudly. Tyler was a large white tiger. One of the greatest animals of the forest. He was looking for his tiny fox friend.
"Craig? " He called out.
"Tyler? " Craig responded.
"Over here! " Tyler called to him.

Craig padded over to Tyler.
"Wanna come eat lunch with me and the others?" Craig quizzed his boyfriend.
"Sure! " Tyler responded happily. Tyler allowed Craig to jump on his back. He followed Craigs directions to a small pond near glow worms.
He saw the others;
Evan a Small Owl who sat next to Brock a large Wolf.
Who sat next to Jon a Racoon.
Who sat next to David, a dog. Who sat next to Brian who was a dog who had robot parts.
Tyler smiled at his friends.

After they finished their meals. Brock started howling. They noticed the large moon was high above their heads. Tyler roared, Jon squeaked, Craig sat on Tylers back and squeaked aswell, David howled, Brian howled and Evan hooed.

After everyone went home, Tyler and Craig started swimming in the pond. They later got out. Tyler licked Craigs head. They raced towards Tylers den. Tyler curled around a fuzz ball of a fox. Tyler looked into the sky before roaring. He rested his head on his paws and fell asleep.

Nice request dragor. Thanks for making me write this a 12:14 AM

:Extra Out:

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