2. New Girl

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(Beca's pov)
We drive into school and I find a parking spot. We gather our belongings and walk to our first class.

"Rebeca Mitchell please come to the general Office, Rebeca Mitchell to the general office please" I hear over the loud speakers
"Uh oh what did little miss rebellious do already?!" Stacie laughs
"I have literally done nothing" I laugh

I walk towards the general office thinking about what I've possibly done in the past 5 minutes I've set foot in this school. Nothing. I've come up with nothing. I try to push open the door but I can't. After trying to open the door for a few seconds, I realised that it was a pull door all along. Once I manage to open the door I go to the lady at the front desk and wait patiently.

"Oh Rebeca, can you please show that wonderful lady around, it's her first day." The lady says pointing over to a girl with red hair that sits just below her shoulders.
"..." I can't manage to find words I just stare at this beautiful girl.. I mean she's super hot!!
"Rebeca??" The lady asks
"Yes.. ah I will definitely start the tour now." I stutter

I walk over to the beautiful red head and introduce myself.
"Hey I'm Beca, I'll be giving you a tour this morning." I say
"Hi Beca, I'm Chloe!" Chloe says In excitement
"Let's get started shall we?"

I start walking towards the gym to show her around.
"So where are you from?" I ask
"Florida, I moved here with my mum last weekend." Chloe says
"I'm sure you're going to love it here!" I smirk
"What do you like to do?" Chloe asks
"I make mixes like a dj but I want to produce music, to make people happy, you?"
"Well I like to sing but I want to get into vet school."
"I'm sure you'll do it."
"You know Beca, I have a feeling we're going to be really fast friends"
"Yeah, me too"

After giving Chloe a tour of the school and getting to know her better, I've figured out that I really like her, as a friend I mean. Chloe and I have our first class together so I walk her to there and introduce her to Emily and Stacie.

"Emily, Stacie this is Chloe" I introduce
"Hey Chloe, I'm Stacie"
"And I'm Emily, Beca's cousin"
"Nice to meet you two" Chloe says

Thought I'd post again 🤷‍♀️
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