Chapter 1

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It all started in eighth grade,I had my first actual crush, his name was rider, I liked him a lot and we were actually pretty good friends, then a new girl came along ,her name was Emilia her breath stink A lot, I dint really like her at first but then after two months of knowing each other we considered ourselves "best friends". It started somewhere in January where me and my class mates went to Washington D.C. for a trip,Emilia told me she liked rider,I acted as if I was ok but I actually wasn't. So it kept on... her telling me about rider it got to the point where I told her I liked rider then she stopped telling me about her and rider.I told rider I liked him some where in April he basically gave me a shitty response with saying"I know you do:)". Time came where there was the last and final trip,(Hershey park)that was where Emilia and rider made everything awkward cause they were eating each others tongues,It broke my heart to see that my "best friend" was kissing my crush ,and the fact the they were kissing in front of me and Emilia knew I liked him still shattered my heart into a million peace's.It got to the point where I broke down and started distancing my self from them. Emilia thought it was a competition to win him over you can say she one I guess.

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