Unoticed friend.

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Graduation and prom came,rider kept on staring at me,not even one eye to his girlfriend. Rider told me how amazing I looked I was happy I was gonna tell him he looked cute but then I remembered he was my "best friends"boyfriend I can't say nothing like that so all I said was "you looked handsome".then prom happened . Rider kept on staring I couldn't stop either , it was awesome we locked eyes like five times.after prom I went to a sleep over Emilia was there to, that's when rider hit me up saying that he also liked me and that if I asked him to go out he would've said yes,I was very much happy then I noticed it was very late for that, I saw how happy they were ,I didn't bother talking to him. It was me rider,Emilia and my other friend frank ,I noticed something else there was another person with us ,he was cool to hang out with his name was Justin he was cute also, I only had my mind on him I completely forgot about rider. Rider had given Justin my snap and Justin started talking  , our conversation was the best goofy and funny convo I've had in a while.he was going through some things,I was always there for him,he will go out late at night,at the time that's when the brutal stabbing of the fifteen year old had happened, I really worried cause the streets were dangerous it got to the point where I begged him to go home,he would say "I will for you" I was there for him and I always will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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