Chapter 1

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Sunkit was sleeping with her siblings when yowls erupted from the heart of camp.

Four cats with collars filled with decayed cat teeth raced into camp. "Ash died.." one of the cats muttered. They came in as fast as they came out. They left without a trace.

Sunkit was awoken just in time to see the meeting. "Well..." Firestar began. "Daisybreeze has abandoned her kits. They will go to Poppyfrost. Also. It turns out that Ashthorn's kits were one of BloodClan," he spit out the words as if they would kill him. All eyes were now on Sunkit and her siblings. Gasps erose. "Sunkit.. Her paw.. It is the sign of Scourge.."

Sunkit flattened her ears.

In accordace, the four BloodClan cats remained in the territory. This time, there were more than four.

four of them fought the outraged ThunderClan Cats while two of them swiped the kits.

They ran away.

Firestar shook his rump, ready to jump and attack. But instead he froze in his steps. "They were one of BloodClan. They will not be missed.." He spat, eyes narrowed.

Mean while, in the alleyway of the Twoleg Place, the six cats returned.

"Why.. my little neices and nephews have arrived..~" Scourge smiled.

"Ashthorn was your brother?!" Violetkit hissed, but she was obliviously no match for the BloodClan leader.

"In-law.. Why.. I had a mate once. His sister. Ashthorn was a spy for us. He wants to find out your Clan's secret. And that Daisybreeze? She's with us too."

A sly Daisybreeze whipped out of the shadows, looking with pure affection at the kits.

"You will grow in this Clan. Sunkit.. you have the mark of Scourge."

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