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Tonight's the night PROM I have a date I'm so happy Peter came to my house dad was there giving him the whole pep talk. Afterwards I walked down in my beatutiful dress it was blue and black dad almost made me cry crazy that my mascara ran through my face he told me I looked liked my mother LILY "alright you crazy kids have fun!!" dad said happily.

We went into the limousine and hold hands until we reached. As we reached every single boy was  watching  me and staring me down
Even Britney, Monique andKimberly were also staring me down.

As we went inside the place was like a princess and Prince theme the had gold, silver and white balloons, props to wear and take pictures with.

The principal of our school MR. LEONARD said "it's your last time in this school make the most of it tonight and it's time for the DANCE." Peter hold me by his hip and I hold him tight because I couldn't dance and he knows that CLEARY, we started to dance and the light was on us everyone was watching us I couldn't of had been happier.

As they were going to call prom king and queen Peter told me to come with him on the school rooftop and closed my eyes but when I open it was amazing during these few days he made the school's rooftop into some - thing else. We danced and danced without anyone looking at us he play the song "DEMO" by SIGRID, but little did we know that everyone came looking at us, and we didn't even know but just when the music stopped everyone I mean everyone clapped including Kimberly, Monique and Britney.

It turns out I didn't need to be SOMEBODY I was already SOMEBODY I just didn't realize it until now


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