They Grow Up So Fast

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Izuku and Bakugo in another universe would have been pulled apart by the greenets lack of quirk and it would have been a negative effect for the both of them. Izuku would be bullied and become insecure and unsure of himself. Bakugo would close himself off from others and let anger grow and spill violently.

In this universe though Izuku had a quirk and Bakugo's complimented it perfectly. Warm hands for the cold blooded quirk user were a god send. It was just a shame it was only his hands.

The Bakugo house hold has invited Izuku over for the weekend whilst his mother had some much needed alone time and sorted through the last of her ex-husbands things. Katsuki and Izuku were huddled together in the formers bedroom. Midoriya had on a sleep mask to avoid accidental eye contact when he woke up and his snakes had twisted together in a comfortable nest to keep heat in and avoid being smothered by a pillow. Bakugo on the other hand, having a slightly above average resting body temperature due to his fire based quirk, was currently being used by his friend as a heater, all limbs and appendages wrapped around him to keep warm.

Don't get him wrong, Izuku was his best friend, but Bakugo wasn't as fond of constant touch as Deku was. Again, don't get him wrong the Midoriya's give great hugs and he enjoys being around his friend but everyone has their limits. However, he can't in good conscious leave his friend to freeze.

After seeing how cool the others snakes were he's immediately found all the books he could on them. He couldn't quite read or understand all of the technical terms but he'd gotten his Mum to explain them. Snakes and by extension Izuku were something called cold blooded so needed to be kept warm if they don't they sleep for a really long time kinda like hibernation in bears! He doesn't want that, it'll be boring without Izuku, to he puts up with it. Until a brilliant idea goes through his small head and he's rushing off to the airing cabinet.

The movement and loss of personal heater is enough to wake up Izuku, although he does little more than shuffle himself over into the warmer patch of mattress. Just as soon Bakugo comes stumbling back in struggling to hold up a thick white blanket over his head.

It's an electric blanket. His parents bought it a year ago when their heating had broken during a particularly cold autumn. Bakugo knows he should probably ask first and he's not aloud to use the electric sockets but he didn't want to wake his parents, he's sure they'll understand. He'd also managed to pull out like half of the cabinet contents in search for this blanket and it's still currently all over the hallway.

He gently rolls up his smaller friend like a burrito, being mindful of the snakes and plugs it in sadly having to sacrifice he All Might night light but it's what the hero would have wanted! The gentle hiss of satisfaction as it started to heat gave the blond a proud grin as he clambered back into bed and fast asleep.

Not everyone was as kind though. A lot of children who had had heard stories of a snake haired monster were frightened and untrusting. Parents were unsure and scared to have their children near venomous snakes. The discrimination wasn't nice but at least many were too afraid to do anything physical. And for the ones that weren't he had Bakugo.

The little fire cracker was quick to jump into action to defend his friends honour! Even after that time he'd gotten himself bitten, but that's why Katsuki carries his own anti venom now. He's their to support and help his Gorgon quirked friend to the end of the universe and he'll be damned if there's nothing he can do.

He will use his hands to keep up the snakes trust and protect his friend. Even when people say he's a monster. Even when people say they're  dangerous. Even when they say that Deku be a villain and drag Katsuki with him. He won't listen he knows they're wrong. These two best friends will become the top heroes and he won't let a few pebble get in their way!

It's not just other people Katsuki has to protect Izuku from though. He's also gotta protect him from hisself. The greenet is over analytical even though he's so young. He over thinks things and lets people get into his head, he can't differentiate his own thoughts to the accusations of others and it's not good for him but that's why Bakugo's there.

He's gonna protect him even from himself if he has to. If it means getting bitten and showing he's fine.
'I've been nipped and bitten so many times I only feel a little dizzy and I've already injected the anti venom so I'll be fine'.
Even if it means letting Deku tentatively test out his eyes capabilities. He trusts Izuku and knows he won't hurt him, he can't it's not in his nature.

These willing tests of his quirk have gained them some discoveries though. For example Bakugo is now much quicker to get out of the paralysis and from that one accident it appears the stone affect can be reversed with physical contact. Although, Deku doesn't want to test the limit on that feature, Katsuki doesn't blame him. He's not scared of his friend he never can be, but... the feeling of the others naked eyes and the slow crawling numbness. It has kept him up at night but he knows Izuku doesn't have it in him.

It's not who he is.

And it never will be.


I got some cool ass fic art from
@ _indigo_inked on instagram!
Go show them some love <3

I got some cool ass fic art from @ _indigo_inked on instagram! Go show them some love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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