Chicken Soup

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That soccer game was totally not worth it. I woke up with a sore throat and a runny nose that just wouldn't stop.

I groaned loudly, not wanting to move. It was 6:04 and I had vocal practice starting at seven. I curled up in bed and tried to go back to sleep, but the uncomfortable feeling in my throat didn't let me.

I guess the shower last night didn't help much.

I had felt like playing a game of soccer after practice, and I talked the rest of the members into playing with me. Key refused to play once he saw the field was muddy, so it was Jonghyun and Onew against Taemin and me.

Halfway through the game, it started pouring rain, and we were all too into the game to stop playing. At that point I was set to win and Jonghyun refused to loose against me. The game ended 4:4, and neither Jonghyun nor I were too happy about that. Taemin just laughed and pat my back when Jonghyun made the last goal that tied the game.

The dorm wasn't too far, and the rain had let up, so we, stupidly decided to walk. Key, the only one who came out of the whole affair clean, took a cab home. Because Tae had done so well, he had made three out of the four goals, we stopped by the convenience store and I bought him some banana milk. We lost Jonghyun and Onew at the store and we hurried back to the dorm to make sure we got our hot showers.

Taemin looked amazing, as weird as it sounds, drenched in rain and covered in mud. I stole more than a couple of glances at him during our walk home. He smiled a lot in between sips of his banana milk, and that smile was what was making my heart swell up and wring itself out.

When we got home, I let him jump into the shower first. Even then, I felt something in my throat, but I just dismissed it and blamed it on straining my voice during practice.

All the discomfort disappeared anyway when I saw Taemin come out, towel draped over his hair.

"Thank you, Hyung! Hurry, the water's still hot!" He said with a sweet smile. The smile turned into a smirk, and he said, "Take a long shower, Jjong and Onew deserve cold water after that game." I smiled and laughed a little, the smirk of his had really made me nervous. He'd been inflicting that effect on me for a very long time, but I never seem to get used to it. When I got out of the shower, Taemin was already asleep in his and Jonghyun's room. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, I wanted to spend some more time with him.

Needless to say, that even after using all the hot water, I woke up sick. I grumbled a bit more and felt sorry for myself, then I dragged myself out of bed with the little strength I had left.

I made my way into the kitchen to find Key, mumbling something about Jonghyun and violently scrambling some eggs. I laughed a little, and it turned into a heavy cough and I just couldn't stop until Key started slapping my back hard enough to rattle my internal organs.

"You got sick, didn't you?" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Don't rub it in..." I said.

"You know where the medicine is, and there's some hot tea for you over there on the counter. Grab some tea and go back to bed, I canceled your schedule for today already." He says nonchalantly scooping spoonfuls if eggs onto four plates already half full with bacon and hashbrowns.

"How'd you know I would get sick?" I ask him, already preparing my tea. The sore throat needs to go away, and tea is the best thing for that. Honey too, it helps a lot.

I manage to plop myself onto the couch without spilling a drop of tea. The couch was not too far from the kitchen, but far enough that the, usually delicious, smell of breakfast wouldn't make me nauseous.

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