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Z : aphmau
A : what dad
Z : I have picked your personal guard
A : I can protect myself I don't need a guard
Z : honey you have gone through four Baird's already please try and keep this one
A : whatever
Z : blaze go get Aaron
B : yes sir

Blaze exits the room and comes back in with a man

A : so your my new Gait's let's see how long you last
Aa : what does that mean
A : the longest one lasted was two months
Aa : well I'm not like other guards I know how to deal with you
A : sure

Aph changes into different clothes

A : try and keep up

She jumps out a window and lands on her feet and runs into the woods. She climbs a tree and sits on a branch

Aa : your not sneaky

She looks down to see Aaron

A : hm nice huh ah!

The branch snaps and she falls. Aaron catches her

Aa : be careful next time come on we should eat you back to the castle
A : I need to go to the market

They walk into town and aph picks up what she needs

Aa : groceries
A : yeah I'm cooking dinner

They walk I to the castle and aph drops her bags

A : ein!

She hugs a man and he hugs back

A : why did t you tell me you were coming back
E : I wanted to surprise you

Ein pushes her to the wall and kisses her. After a minute he is pulled of her

Aa : step away from the lady
A : no Aaron it's okay this is ein my boyfriend
E : who are you
Aa : I'm her personal guard so watch it buddy

Aph hugs ein and kisses him again

A : I love you
E : come on let's go to your room
A : okay

Aph walks away with ein giggling and hugging him

Aa : what's his deal
Z : he had a trip to go on he's been gone for two months
Aa : I do t trust him
Z : well he's gonna propose to her
Aa : I still do t trust him
Z : you will gain his trust
Aa : I'm gonna keep an eye on him

Aaron walks into her room to see ein has aph pinned to the bed

A : wait ein I'm not ready yet
E : please aph for me
A : I guess it's fine
E : thank you

Aaron walks out of the room.

The next morning

Zach walks into aphs room

Z : woah what happened in here
E : sorry sir we had a little celebreation for my return
Z : as long as you used protection it's fine
E : I did sir
A : mm tired go back to sleep ein

Aph lays on him

E : your dad is right there babe
A : dad!
Z : I'm leaving

Zach walks out of the room laughing

Aa : what are you laughing about
Z : my daughter freaking out
Aa : why
Z : she freaked out cause she though I was mad her and ein had sex
Aa : wait what!
Z : it's none of my business

Zach walks away and Aaron walks into her room

Aa : time to get dressed you have a gathering to go to
A : get out Aaron!
Aa : just get dressed
A : whatever

Aaron walks out of the room and Aph gets dressed

E : I'll just be here
A : okay I'll be back in a few hours
E : alright

Aph walks out of the room and runs into Aaron

Aa : he's bad news
A : what are you talking about
Aa : ein is not good for you
A : your just jealous
Aa : no he seems like bad news
A : like I said your just jealous

Aph walks out of the castle and meets up with her friends

A : hey girls
Kc : hey aphmau-senpai
K : aphmau how is your new guard
A : he's ok I guess but I have big news
K : spill
A : me and ein finally did it last night
Kc : your kidding
A: no
K : omi that's so cool
A : I know and then Aaron said he was bad news
K : Aaron
Aa : I'm her new personal guard
A : get out of here!
Aa : nice to meet you girls
Kc : hello Aaron-Kun
Aa : hey girls aph it's almost time to go back to the castle
A : but I don't wanna
Aa : dont make me carry you
A : you won't

Aaron throws aph over his shoulder

Aa : we have to get back to the castle
A : put me down!

Aaron walks back into the castle

Aa : got her
A : I'm going to my room

Aph walks into her room and starts to tear up at what she sees

A : e-ein
E : aphmau your back early
A : what is this
E : aph it's not what it looks like

The other girl gets dressed and rushes out of the room. Ein walks up to her

A : get away from me
E : aph listen
A : no leave me alone

Aph smacks him

A : get out get out!
E : aph calm down
A : get out!

She runs out of the castle and to her friends house

Aa : aphmau!
Z : what's wrong
Aa : I can't find her I've looked everywhere
Z : have you seen ein I heard screaming a little bit ago
Aa : I swear I knew he was bad news

Aphs POV

A : girls
K : aph why are you crying
A : he cheated on me
Kc : no way
A : he was with another girl
K : I'm gonna kill him
A : no he's not worth our time
Kc : did you tell Aaron-kun
A : of course not he would kill ein
K : wouldn't that be a good thing
A : no I'm not gonna worry about it anymore I should be getting back
K : okay just be careful

Aph gets back to the castle and goes straight to the garden. She walks through a door in the wall and is in her secret area

A : it's been a while since I came here

A figure appears before her. It's one of her spirit friends

? : hey what's wrong
A : my boyfriend cheated on me
? : that's terrible
? : you know you can always talk to us
A : thanks guys
? : you should get back they are looking for you
A : okay I'll be back to visit you guys soon
? : we hope so goodbye aphmau

She runs back into the castle and sees Aaron. She runs up and hugs him

A : you were right
Aa : huh
A : he wasn't good for me
Aa : what happened
A : he cheated on me
Aa : oh heck no

Aaron leads aph to the Throne room

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