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Z : Aaron found her
S : mija why are you crying
A : ein he

Aph curls up on the floor crying

Aa : ein cheated on her with some random girl
Z : that's terrible honey are you okay
A : I'll be fine I just need some time

Aph walks into her room and locks the door

A : he cheated on me in my own bed

She rips her sheets off and throws them in the corner

A : I should get new sheets

She opens the door and calls for a maid

M : yes ma'am
A : can you bring me some new sheets
M : yes ma'am I'll be back In a moment
A : thanks

After her new sheets get brought she makes her bed and lays down

A : I thought he loved me guess I was wrong

She goes to sleep

One week later

Aa : aph you need to come out
A : just leva me alone Aaron
Aa : you haven't eaten or showered in a week we are worried about you I'm worried about you
A : just go Aaron!
Aa : I'm not leaving till you come out
A : then you can sit there
Aa : aph
A : just go Aaron

A few days later

Aa : we need to get her out of that room
Z : you think I don't know she hasn't eaten is a week and a half
S : she's starving herself it's not healthy
Aa : I have one more idea but it's a little stupid
Z : anything to make her come out

Aaron walks to her door

Aa : aph
A : go away
Aa : everyone is worried we love you
A : just go Aaron
Aa : I love you

The door opens and aph is standing there

A : what did you say
Aa : I said I love you and I meant it
A : your lying
Aa : if I was lying would I do this

Aaron hooks her chin and kisses her she kisses back. Soon after they pull apart

Aa : now will you come out and eat
A : yeah let's go

They walk out together holding hands

Z : aphmau
S : mija
Aa : I told you it was stupid but it worked
S : what worked

Aaron pulls aph to him

Aa : I told her I loved her
A : and I return his feelings
Z : wait so your dating your personal guard
Aa : even more reason for me to be around her
S : well that's interesting
Z : we need to talk about ein he has been coming asking to talk to you aphmau
A : I don't wanna talk to him ever again
Aa : do t worry I'll protect you
A : I know hey what's that
Aa : hm

They look over to a window and see a flash

Aa : hold on
A : wait a second I know who that is
Z : aphmau go get him
A : he's back!

Aph runs over to the door and hugs a guy

A : I missed you
? : aw I missed you too
A : it's good to see you again kai
K : well then you'll be even more happy of who I have with me
A : you don't mean
K : yes
A : Laurence!

She hugs another guy and pulls them into the castle

Aa : hello
K : who are you
Aa : I'm her personal guard and her boyfriend
K : no absolutely not your to young for a boyfriend

Kai hugs her protectively

A : no kai it's okay
K : hm
Aa : okay what is happening here
K : oh I'm kai
L : I'm laurence
K : we are her best friends
L : we've known each other since we were three
K : yeah but she's more like a sister
Z : these two are part of our family Aaron it's okay
K : yeah when our parents abounded us aphs parents took us in and raised us like their sons
A : so technically they are my brothers

Aph wraps her arms around both their shoulders

K : hang on

The both kneel down

K : there shorty
A : hey!
L : he's not wrong you are short
A : you know what

Aph smacks both of them upside the head

K : ow
L : what was that for
A : calling me short
Aa : okay I'm scared of you now
A : oh this is nothing you ready guys
L : we gonna scare him
A : yup
L : let's go

They all run out of the castle and into a field

Aa : hey stop that

They start doing crazy flips and Aaron watches shocked. The boys hold their hands out and Aph jumps on them they launch her into the air. She does multiple flips in the air

Aa : she's gonna hit the ground
K : well yeah

Aph lands on her feet

Aa : how did you do that!
A : I've been practicing how do you think I can jumps out of third story windows
Aa : omi never do that again
A : okay I'll do something even crazier come on guys
K : are you gonna show him the thing
A : yeah let's go Aaron

They run of to a lake. Aph stands at the edge

Aa : wait what are you doing
A : hold on wait for it

Aph jumps onto the lake and stands on the surface of the water. Kai and Laurence do that same

Aa : what how
A : we are special come on
Aa : I can't do that
A : of course you can

Aph pulls him onto the water and they start to dance

Aa : this is incredible
A : this is just the beginning do you trust me
Aa : yes and no

Aph sprouts wings and flies into the air. She swoops down and lifts Aaron up

Aa : put me down!
A : come on I won't drop you

They fly back over to the castle and land on the roof.

Aa : I'm scared of you now
A : well you have to get used to it if your gonna date me
Aa : what are you
A : I'm Athena
Aa : Athena
A : daughter of Irene and the shadow lord duh
Aa : irene your crazy
A : oh this isn't crazy I promise have fun getting down

Aph dives of the roof into the pool

Aa : your insane
A : have fun hun

She runs back into the castle

Z : where is Aaron
A : stick on the roof
Z : really Athena
A : yup
Z : hold on

Zach snaps his fingers and Aaron is in the throne room

Aa : what just happened
A : ya your face

Aph hugs him and starts to cry

Aa : hey it's okay
A : no I'm just laughing so much I'm tearing up

She falls onto the floor and laughs and kai and Laurence walk back in

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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