The Inadequacies of Being a High School Ranker

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It's not that easy to be a high school ranker. Nope it's not. Critics will think I am a madman, but I am not, because: 1. I am not a man yet; I am a boy 2. I am not really mad. But I think that's okay, because like the shoes are made for walking, critics are made for criticising and also because people always look at the brighter side of everything. I hope they can be high school ranker someday, so they can understand 'The Inadequacies of Being a High School Ranker'

The day when you become a High school ranker, you become a major cause of jealousy among your fellow classmates. With the advent of your angelic looking satanic rank, you become a centre of high expectations for teachers and parents. From then, a single mistake can lead you towards high level of castigates. When you get punished, people will look at you like you are an extinct species of animal. They will gossip, "Look at the perks of being a ranker." When you can't answer a question, teacher won't deny calling you 'overconfident'. It's because they just can't understand 'The Inadequacies of Being a High School Ranker'.

You can't do anything rather than accepting the reality. It's like you are stuck in a situation where you are sitting in an assembly of highly qualified and respected nerds and you suddenly need to spit out the cough, but you don't really have any other way other than gulping it down, tasting the spasmodically salty taste of your bodily made fluid. When you try to master in sports or any other art, people will tell you, "It's not your cup of tea." (Indirectly calling you a nerd)

When you are a fresh ranker, everyone will enrich your ears with sweet things, but their bitterness releases when they get the chance. It's like: 'All you taste is sweetness in our blood, but wait, the bitter venom will be released in a moment in the amount of floods.'

Well, all you can do is accept the inadequacies, because acceptance is better than ignorance. After all, only a high school ranker can understand 'The Inadequacies of Being a High School Ranker'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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