xxii. reunited - part three

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After showing Ashley her room and spending a few hours of catching up and watching movies, everyone agreed on going for a walk around the city. It was scorching inside, so they all decided that the best thing to do was go outside, into the cool February air.

Each of the boys were all ready to go, but Ashley wasn't quite. She stood in front of the door and adjusted the top of her coat for the millionth time in possibly a minute. Because of how chilly it was outside, she felt the need to stay more bundled and warm. Knowing the boys, they'd probably end up in a fit of laughter while trying to have a snowball fight with the remaining snow there is on the ground outside.

After a few more seconds of readjusting, she finally felt content with her coat and stepped outside with the rest of the boys. They turned away from the house, and started towards the road.

The air was cold and brisk. They could feel the wind blowing silently against their bodies as they began to wind their way through the city streets of Omaha. The sky was illuminated with millions of dazzling lights, giving off a feeling of cheer and comfort throughout the boulevard.

A few minutes of constant chatter had come and gone before they unknowingly neared a familiar face in the crowded streets.

"Ashley!" They called, instantly pulling her from her reverie. Gazing away from the familiar face of Shawn, Ashley noticed a girl with unazzled red hair and bright eyes. In that moment, Ashley's eyes grew wide and her smile enraged.

"Ashley, wow- it's really you." Mahogany said, welcoming her with a smile as she quickly jogged towards her.

The corners of Ashley's mouth ascended and she grinned. "Hi Mahogany." She greeted.

In a swift movement Mahogany wrapped her arms around Ashley, pulling her towards her, filling any empty space left between them. It seemed to Mahogany that if she let go, she would lose Ashley. When she finally pulled away, she looked into Ashley eyes and smiled.

"It's so good to see you, you've been hiding away lately." Mahogany said. "Now, I see you're with them and you didn't even tell me!" She screeched.

Ashley looked at the boys who were standing around the two of them and shrugged, not knowing herself why she didn't invited Mahogany. "You can join us if you'd like?" Ashley offered.

Mahogany lightly rolled her eyes, "No no no, you guys are coming with me!"

Grabbing Ashley arm and lightly tugging her along, mahogany ambled towards a couple of people. She quickly checked behind her to make sure the boys were following and then lowered her voice, grinning. "It's going to be one hell of a night." She whispered. "Trust me, you need this."

Ashley inhaled a quick intake of breath and smiled, "Okay."

They quickly neared the two teenagers, being met by familiar faces who were in mid conversation. There was one in particular that Ashley had noticed, though, and her lips instantly ascended into a smile. "Sam!" she beamed, "When the hell did you get back? I thought you weren't coming back from Tennessee until the end of March?"

Sam's head turned and his attention was no longer engaged in the conversation. Instead, his face was etched with a smile as he walked towards Ashley, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"I got back about a week ago," He exclaimed. "I decided to come back early. It's good to see you."

"You too!" She smiled.

Matt lightly scoffed before laughing, "Yea, this fucker didn't tell anybody that he was coming back from vacation early. The other day we came home to him and Mike over there," he said pointing to Mike who was standing on the opposite side of Mahogany, "passed out on the couch with our living room trashed."

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