Chapter 15: Fight or Flight

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Chapter 15:

I watched Brennen's hands glide up and down the steering wheel as he drove to the airport. His knuckles were still bruised from the party a few nights back, though they were a lighter shade of purple now. 

Every once in awhile, I felt the heat of his stare atop my head, but I couldn't bring myself to meet his stare with my own.

Suddenly, the light around us faded, and my curious gaze traveled to the window beside me.

We were in a parking garage.

"Hopefully there's an open space," Brennen spoke softly, obviously attempting to ease the tense atmosphere, but he sighed when he realized it was futile.

After several minutes of traveling through many rows of filled parking spaces, we finally stumbled across an empty spot. Brennen tugged two small suitcases out of the trunk, leaving them beside the passenger door, where I was still struggling to leave my seat.

"I can't do this," I shook my head, "You have to go. Make sure he's okay and bring him home."

"As much as your brother loves to see me, I think he'd enjoy your company a little more," Brennen grinned, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably.

When my limbs began to noticeably shake, Brennen interlocked his fingers with mine, and for some reason, I let him. He started to pull me out of the car gently, until my words brought him to an abrupt stop, making his back stiffen.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"You really do think I'm some kind of monster, don't you?" he replied, and when I didn't say anything, he continued, "Olivia, I owe your family everything. There's nothing I wouldn't do for the Clarkes... for you."

My eyes widened in response to hearing him refer to me. My lips trembled as I was about to speak, but Brennen turned away, once again giving my hand a light tug.

"Our flight leaves in an hour. We should get going," he looked back at me swiftly, then proceeded to tug me toward the entrance.

Throughout the many airport procedures, I just followed Brennen quietly, letting him take care of everything.

I wasn't until we were walking through the tunnel that led onto the plane that I had fully processed what was happening.

"No!" I shouted in a panic as I stopped in the middle of the tunnel.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Some people stopped behind me, while others walked around me, avoiding any eye contact at all. Brennen reacted quickly, pulling me to the side of the tunnel beside the strollers and wheelchairs that others had left.

"Liv, look at me," he whispered.

There he goes again, calling me "Liv." I wanted to look anywhere else, but in every other direction were another set of eyes wondering what was happening.

"Olivia Clarke, you need to get on that plane. Your brother needs you. If you're gonna throw up, they've got barf bags for you. If you need a Xanax, I'm sure someone on this flight is packing a whole bottle. If you want to scream, go for it. They can't kick you off the plane once we're in the air. But you are going to get your ass on this plane because the Olivia Clarke I know isn't selfish enough to leave her brother alone in a hospital," Brennen looked directly into my eyes, and for once I was truly amazed by him. In all the years I'd known him, I'd never seen him this determined.

A part of me wanted to follow him, because I knew he was right. But another part of me couldn't forget the fate of my parents.

Jace is the only family I have left. I have to go.

But I'm the only family he has left. If I'm gone, he'll have no one either.

You can do this Olivia. What are the chances that this plane falls from the sky?

I don't know if I can do this. I'm just too scared.

"The choice is fight or flight, Olivia. I need you to fight. You can't let your anxiety win this one. Not over something this important. Please," Brennen was practically begging me to get on this flight, and I think it partially had something to do with us being the last passengers that had to board the plane.

In that moment, I felt protected. I can't explain it. I just felt safe. With some hesitation, I took his hand, letting him lead me to our seats. 

As I passed the flight attendant beside the plane door, she leaned down and whispered to me.

"You've got a good one there, sweetheart," she told me.

Maybe I did. Or was this just the Brennen that only came out in tough situations?

I wasn't so sure. But right now, it didn't matter.

As the airplane ascended into the sky, I squeezed Brennen's forearm for dear life, even unintentionally digging my nails into his skin. I heard him inhale a rugged breath and he winced, causing me to notice what I'd been doing to him.

"Sorry," I apologized, pulling my hand away.

"Don't be sorry, Freckles. If I have to lose a layer of flesh in order for you to fly on an airplane, I'll do it," Brennen gave me a small smile, then closed the window beside him. He pulled a Sky Mall magazine from the pocket of the chair in front of him, placing it on his lap, but angled toward me.

Before I knew it, we were laughing at the ridiculous products that were listed in the catalog and humming along to our old favorite songs.

I had completely forgotten I was thousands of feet above the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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