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I heard a loud bang next and Jack's body fell on mine as he was lifeless...

"What the fuck?" Was all I screamed as I covered my hands over my mouth. I was shaking and my heart was thumping at the speed of light...

It was still pitch black so I had no idea what had just happened but Jack's body was now lay on the floor and I was still up against the wall almost having a panic attack...

"Finn?" I yelled out as the tears started to fall down my cheeks. I had no idea why they did, I didn't even know him...

I heard a groan and I knew it was Finn

"Do you ever stop crying?" He yelled as the lights turned back on. I screamed as I stared down at Jack's body on the floor and then back at Finn, whom had a gun in his hand.

"I thought we were only kidnapping him." I cried out and tried moving away from Finn.

"Change of plan sweetie. Ayla's not gonna be your best friend now." He smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I was so confused about what he was saying but he nodded his head towards the camera set up in the middle of the room.

"You set me up this entire time?" I yelled at him but he just pointed his gun towards me.

"I love it when a plan works out." He devilishly smirked at me.
"Now hurry up and pack before the cops get here." I slowly moved but he didn't move the gun from my direction. I had never been so scared in my entire life. He was a psychopath. A complete psychopath...

Ayla wouldn't believe him. Would she?

Her boyfriend kissed me...I didn't kiss him. I didn't consent to it and neither did I kiss him back, she'll have to understand that, right?

I finished packing my suitcase. Finn had already packed his. We made our way downstairs and Finn spoke with a guy about the bill of the hotel room and he just nodded reaching into his jacket pocket...

"Put this on and get in the taxi and you will not speak about this to anyone do you understand? We will not speak on the journey home and neither will you tell your pathetic parents about this." All I did was nod at him and wrap his jacket around my shoulders to hide the blood stains on my skin. I was terrified over what could happen to me.

Finn just killed a guy...

What was I suppose to do with that?

We finally arrived at the airport and I had no idea how Finn got away with having a gun on him.

On the plane ride home I stayed completely silent and never spoke a word to Finn. He had his headphones in and he started to drift off in his seat.

I wrapped his jacket around my shoulders tighter and felt uncomfortable. What would I say to Ayla? How would I stop Finn?

I fiddled with my locket around my neck and took it off, clutching it in my hand and closing my eyes.

Mom, if you can hear me I really need your help right now. I thought to myself. You're the only sane person I have right now and I just really want to hear your voice again and be wrapped in your arms. I had no idea what Finn had planned or why he had a gun with him but all I know is that I'm really scared. I didn't know if I was going to live after tonight. Right now I don't want to be here and I don't pwant to go back to Adam either. I just wish I was with you.

I heard Finn shuffle around and so I opened one of my eyes to see him still fast asleep next to me.

I will see you soon mom. I'll straight to your grave when I get home. I promise.

"What are you doing?" I quickly jumped and shot my eyes open to see Finn staring at me like I was insane.

"Oh nothing..." I gripped my locket in my hand tighter.

"Nothing? Then what are you hiding in your hand?" He raised his eyebrow. He opened my hand but I tried to stop him. I was too weak though and he opened it to find my locket.
"A locket? You're pathetic weirdo." He threw my locket towards me and I just tried to catch it whilst almost having a heart attack.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" I wrapped it around my neck and clipped it back up.

"Why are you so defensive over a piece of jewellery. Did your non-existent boyfriend buy you it?" He smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes staying silent.

"You're a dick."

"Yeah well I'm not too fond of you either princess." He rolled his eyes and placed his headphones back in.

Bullied by Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now