Twenty Four

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I walked through the school hallway to receive a slap on the ass by one of Finn's dumbass friends, Jack Dylan Grazer.

"Who're you gonna do this time slut." He yelled and laughed as he high-fived his mates. I rolled my eyes and continued walking as I spotted Finn on his phone by his locker.

"Finn." I waved at him and he just ignored me so I wandered over to him.

"Finn." I spoke again and he just huff puffed and rolled his eyes.

"What?" He snapped...what a cranky bitch...Someone obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...

"Can you tell your friends to stop slapping my ass." I frowned at him and he just shrugged. What the fuck.

"You probably deserved it." His head fell straight back to his phone. Why was Finn being such an asshole? Yesterday he was nice and kind of sweet and now he's full out being his asshole self to me again...

"Why are you being such a dick?"

"Why are you still talking to me?" He didn't lift his head up from his screen so I snatched his phone off him and he sighed out, lifting his head up to face me and crossing his arms against his chest.

"Tell your friends to stop sexually harassing me or I'll smash your phone into a million pieces."

"Do whatever dude. I'm due a new upgrade anyway." He shrugged. His eyes were blood shot and he seemed distracted...Was he high?

"So you'd let your dumbass friends sexually harass me?" I asked him and he shrugged again.
"You're a dumbass Finn Wolfhard." I threw his phone at the locker next to him and watched it smash as it hit the floor.

"What the fuck?" He yelled at me, standing up straight now so he was towering over me.

"Oh I'm sorry did you need that?" I imitated his voice. "I thought you were due an upgrade." I folded my arms across my chest.

"Stop acting like a little bitch all the time. Just grow up."

"The only one that needs to grow up here is you Finn. Don't treat me like you care about me one day and then like you wouldn't care if I was dead the next. Don't play with my emotions because you don't know what I'm capable of." I threatened him and he just rolled his eyes.

"The only thing you're capable of is getting into someone else's pants every 10 minutes." He blew back and that was my breaking point. I wiped his dumbass smirk off his face when my knuckles came into contact with his lip.
"Did you just punch me?" He questioned, holding his hand up to his lip.

"You had something on your face." I told him.

"What?" He was clearly confused. What a high dumbass. Don't do drugs kids. (No seriously don't. Don't destroy your body to make yourself feel better, build your happiness up with exercise to make yourself feel better. You'll feel a lot better about yourself :) - Author)

"Pain." he rolled his eyes and I punched him again. He grabbed my wrists and began to squeeze them and I winced at his strength. His blood was clearly boiling now.

"Do you want to leave here with both hands today?" He threatened, seeing the crowds of people swirling around us.

"Do it. You'll just have to explain to your parents why I arrived back at your house with no hands."

"You're not welcome in my house. My parents may have let you sleep there but we're not a charity for orphans. Go sleep at your mothers gravestone again. That's where you belong." He squeezed my wrists tighter and pushed me backwards before he pushed me backwards. I lost balance and fell backwards onto the floor. I sat up after and watched Finn stroll away.

"I hate you Finn." I yelled at him as he walked away.

"I'm not too fond of you either." He replied as he walked away. The crowds of people started to disappear as I brought my knees up to my chest. I didn't know whether I wanted to cry or disappear myself.

I lost Ayla and she hasn't spoken to me since and now it seems like I had lost Finn again. Why was he being so cold to me all of a sudden? Why was he kissing me if he was feeling like this? Did he just kiss me to score points in a stupid game his friends play?

Why did I ever think we could become friends again?

I stood to my feet and made my way out of the school building and just wandered the streets until I ended up somewhere I didn't think I'd end up...

My burnt down house...

Bullied by Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now